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While most of the poses contribute in their own way to replenishing your immunity power, there are a few selected ones that can provide quick results and with great efficiency. Discussed below are 5 such Yoga postures that can work as potent immunity boosters.
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[ Read: Yoga Poses for Beginners ]
5 Effective Yoga Poses To Boost Your Immune System
1. Mountain Pose
How to Do:
- Stand with your back straight on a yoga mat.
- Bring your hands together with arms straight and interlock the fingers.
- Slowly raise the arms upwards until they are right above your head.
- Twist the interlocked fingers such that the palms face upwards.
- Lift your heels slowly and stand on your toes.
Number of Repetitions: Hold the posture for nearly 20 seconds and practice the pose 8 to 10 times during the day.
How it Helps: It strengthens the nerves and muscles around the back, knees, ankles, and thighs.
[ Read: Yoga Poses To Practice In The Morning ]
2. Triangle Pose
How to Do:
- Stand erect on a floor mat with arms relaxed.
- Shift the left leg out and place it apart in a stretched position.
- Turn your left foot almost 90 degrees with toes pointing sideward.
- Raise and outstretch both your arms with palms downward.
- Look at your right hand and slowly bend to your left by keeping the arms straight until your left-hand touches the left foot.
- Hold the toes of your left foot with your left hand.
Number of Repetitions: The pose can be practiced 3 to 5 times a day on each leg. And you can hold the posture for 20 to 30 seconds.
How it Helps: The Triangle Pose increases the flow of energy across the hips, vertebral column, shoulders, and legs.
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3. Chair Pose
How to Do:
- Stand straight with your feet close to each other.
- Lift your arms upwards and move your hip downwards as if in a sitting position
- Keep your arms straight up and lower the buttocks until the thighs are nearly parallel to the floor.
Number of Repetitions: You can perform this pose once or twice in a day and retain the position for 30 seconds.
How it Helps: It strengthens the hips, tights, calves, and backbone. It can boost your energy levels significantly.
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4. Cobra Pose
How to Do:
- Lie in a prone position on a Yoga mat.
- Place your palms near your chest on either side.
- Lift your torso as far as you can.
- Slowly tilt your head upwards.
Number of Repetitions: You can repeat it once in a day and retain the posture for 30 seconds for best results.
How it Helps: It strengthens the respiratory organs and digestive system. It improves the level of oxygen absorbed by the lungs.
[ Read: Yoga Poses to Improve Core Strength ]
5. Pranayama Routine
How to Do:
- Sit on a floor mat with your legs crossed and body relaxed.
- Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply with lips closed for 5 minutes.
- Inhale slowly and retain the breath for 2 to 3 seconds and then slowly exhale. Repeat for 3 to 4 minutes.
- Inhale from right nostril by closing the left nostril with your ring finger and exhale from both nostrils.
- Inhale from left nostril by closing the right nostril with your thumb and exhale from both nostrils. Repeat the process for 5 minutes.
- Practice ‘Kapalabhati’ by forced and rapid exhales for 1 minute.
Number of Repetitions: The entire Pranayama routine has to be practiced only once in a day.
How it Helps: It can relax your mind and improve the overall resistance power of your body.
All the 5 Yoga poses described above can be practiced daily to successfully deal with a wide range of health issues that emanate from an under-performing immunity system. These postures offer multiple benefits and help the body in resisting several diseases.
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