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Acne is one of the typical and common skin conditions which creates spots as well as pimples, especially on face, shoulders, neck, back, chest, even on the upper parts of arms. Here we discusses on how to use witch hazel for acne.
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Is Witch Hazel Good for Acne?
Tannins present in witch hazel is responsible for making its extract one of the most popular natural astringent, as it can remove any excess oil from the skin. It is known as one of the best natural acne treatments across globe.
How to Use Witch Hazel for Acne?
There are many ways in which you can use witch hazel for treating acne on skin
1. Witch Hazel and Tea Tree Oil for Acne
Tea tree oil helps in treating skin ailments from acne to psoriasis. Its antimicrobial qualities decrease the growth of skin acne.
- Tea Tree Oil
- Witch hazel
Preparation Time: 5 Minutes
- Take 4 to 5 drops of tea tree oil
- Mix 40 to 50 drops of Witch Hazel with tea tree oil
- Apply the same using clean cotton on acne prone area
How it work: It helps in removing the excess oil from skin and kills the bacteria.
Repetitions: Twice daily till recovery.
Best time to Apply: Any time you consider free.
Tips: Do not go under sun when applied as tea tree can make extra sensitive skin to UV rays.
2. Witch Hazel and Aloe Vera for Acne
Aloe Vera helps in removing the acne scar faster and also heals acne fast.
- Aloe Vera
- Witch hazel
- Lavender oil
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
- Take 6 spoons. witch hazel
- Mix 2 spoon aloe Vera gel with witch hazel
- Now add 5 to 10 drops of lavender oil in it
- Pour it in a spray bottle and spray on affected area
How it work: The mix oil spray kills the acne causing bacteria and removes the acne scars.
Repetitions: Repeat daily to cure your acne problem.
Best time to Apply: Any time you consider best for you.
Tips: Do not touch the acne much it will spread the infection.
[ Read: How to Treat Acne with Aloe Vera? ]
3. Witch Hazel and Rosewater for Acne
Rose water is having an anti-inflammatory feature which supports in reducing the redness of any irritated skin, to treat acne, dermatitis as well as eczema.
- Rose water
- Witch hazel
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
- Take 10-15 drops of Witch Hazel
- Mix it with 5 drops of Rose water
- Shake the mixture well inside a spray bottle
- Now spray it on your acne affected area. Use can use cotton as alternative
- Do not touch let it dry on its own
- After 15 to 20 minutes if you want can rinse face with plain water
How it work: Hazel Witch kills the bacteria and rose water heels the area with its anti-inflammatory feature to reduce irritation.
Repetitions: Daily twice till recovery.
Best time to Apply: Any free time when you are at home.
Tips: Avoid makeup on acne skin and do not touch acne it will spread infection.
4. Witch Hazel and Lavender Oil for Acne
Lavender oil’s antimicrobial and antioxidant features helps in skin nourishing and skin soothing. It treats acne, heals irritation and removes dark spot.
- Witch hazel
- Lavender oil
- Apple cider vinegar
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
- Take a clear glass jar
- Take 2/3 cup of witch hazel in it
- Add 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar
- Shake well the mix
- Add 5 to 10 drops of lavender oil
- Use a clean cotton to drab the mixture on the acne affected area
- Allow it to dry and then wash with plain water
How it work: The mixer will kill the bacteria and lavender in it will sooth the skin to make it healthy for fast recovery and scar removal.
Repetitions: Daily twice till recovery.
Best time to Apply: Any free time as per your convenience.
Tips: Avoid scratching the acne because of irritation it will infect the area. Avoid makeup and allow soothing naturally.
6. Witch Hazel and Apple Cider Vinegar for Acne
Apple cider vinegar is considered excellent for curing acne. It helps in returning the acidity back to skin and then restores the acid mantle. It kills the bacteria removing dirt and excess oil and then dissolves the dead skin.
- Witch hazel
- Apple cider vinegar
- water
- Aloe Vera
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
- Mix with 10 spoon of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, 2 spoon each water, Witch hazel and aloe Vera gel.
- Use cotton ball, to apply the same on the affected skin.
- Now massage it softly using circular motion.
- Let it dry for 15 to 20 minutes and wash with water and then pat it dry softly.
How it works: The Mixture helps in killing the bacteria causing acne and removes excess oil to make the skin free from acne marks.
Repetitions: Repeat this process twice daily till recovery.
Best time to Apply: You can apply it in your free time.
Tips: Spray rose water to hydrate the skin.
[ Read: How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Acne? ]
7. Witch Hazel and Lemon Juice for Acne
Lemon comes with excellent acne fighting quality and can be one of the easiest elements found to treat acne. The acid present in lemon juice do have mild astringent qualities perfect for treating acne
- Lemon Juice
- Witch hazel
- Water
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
- Take a lemon and squeeze the juice out
- Now add 1 spoon of Witch hazel in it
- Add 5 drops of water and mix well
- Moisten the cotton ball in this mix and dab on the acne prone areas
- Leave it to dry for 30 mins then wash with water
How it work: Lemon juice using its L-ascorbic acid along with Witch hazel acts as natural astringent for reducing excess oil and to exfoliate the dead skin cells naturally. It also prevents clogging of pores.
Repetitions: Use it for every 1 to 3 days gap twice.
Best time to Apply: Any time which is perfect for you, but ensure you apply it on clean face with no make up.
Tips: If you have sensitive skin then increases the amount of water in mix to avoid skin harshness. Spray rosewater to soothe the skin.
No matter in which age group you belong, acne can appear as problem for any age. Witch hazel is considered as one of effective solution even when used alone for treating acne prone skin efficiently.
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