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Passing of frequent and urgent stools that are more consistent than regular bowel movements is diarrhea. Morning diarrhea refers to loose or watery bowel movements, particularly in the morning, soon after waking up.
Waking up with diarrhea can be frustrating and differ in intensity, frequency, and time span depending on the underlying cause. If you often experience it and question, why do I have diarrhea every morning, we have got you covered.
Keep reading to find the major causes, preventive measures and line of treatment.
What Causes of Morning Diarrhea?
The cause behind morning diarrhea can be categorized into short term and long term.
1. Short Term Causes of Morning Diarrhea
Usually, diarrhea is self-limiting and critical, which means it does not last long and will go away on its own. It is because it often occurs from a cause that is short-term.
Below are some of the reasons for the cases of acute diarrhea-
Infection or Illness: Gastrointestinal infections introduced by bacteria, viruses, or parasites can cause morning diarrhea. This intestinal infection is commonly called stomach flu. Often, it is accompanied with fever and vomiting.
Diarrhea from bacterial infection can result from food poisoning or a food-borne illness, such as salmonella and rotavirus.
Diarrhea from parasitic infection can go on for more than seven days. Blood in the stool, inflammation in the intestines, and vomiting are symptoms, along with loose stool in the morning.
Emotional stress: Stress and anxiety can be different for every individual. It can impact the digestive system, leading to changes in bowel movement. People experience diarrhea, during heightened tension, which is more prominent in the morning.
Increased caffeine intake: Experiencing diarrhea every morning after consuming coffee is prevalent for some people. Caffeine is a stimulant to the digestive system and causes increased bowel movement. The caffeine in coffee can have a laxative effect, resulting in loose stools.
Medication or supplement: Antibiotics and other specific dietary supplements can interfere with the digestive system and cause diarrhea. Medicines taken right before bedtime or in the evening may result in morning diarrhea.
Heavy breakfast: A big breakfast right after you get up can overstimulate the bowels.
2. Long Term Causes of Morning Diarrhea
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): IBS is a typical chronic condition that affects the digestive system. It is one of the leading causes of morning diarrhea. Diet, daily routine, and stress level can trigger IBS.
Constipation, persistent diarrhea, or a combination of both can result in IBS. Variation in intestinal motion causes people to have more frequent bowel movements in the morning.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): IBD is an umbrella term for conditions that causes gut inflammation. It can cause blood in the stool, weight loss, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
It causes morning diarrhea due to increased intestinal movement after waking up. IBD includes Crohn’s disease, indeterminate colitis, and ulcerative colitis.
Food allergy or intolerance: People who consume food they are allergic to may develop irritation in guts, leading to morning diarrhea. The food allergens that generally cause intolerance are peanuts, dairy, wheat, egg, or fruit.
Diarrhea in the Morning in Females
The main factor causing morning diarrhea in women is a change in hormones. Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle of females can affect bowel movement, resulting in loose stool.
Some women experience gastrointestinal changes and increased sensitivity, likely causing diarrhea during pregnancy.
How to Treat of Diarrhea in the Morning

To treat morning diarrhea, it is important to address its underlying cause. A combination of dietary changes and medication may help understating the right line of treatment.
Dietary Modification
If diarrhea is a regular problem every morning, try avoiding and cutting off particular types of food from your diet that triggers it, such as:
- Foods loaded with gluten, like pasta, cereals, or bread.
- Food and drinks that produce high gas, raw food, broccoli, cauliflower, and carbonated beverages.
- Some types of carbohydrates, including lactose and fructose.
While most of the cases of morning diarrhea resolve after lifestyle and dietary changes, medications are usually prescribed to treat IBS and IBD.
IBS Treatment
To treat IBS, doctors prescribe antidepressants like imipramine and desipramine, despite that they are not designed for the purpose. Besides, anticholinergic medication and anti-diarrheal medication help reduce spasms and other symptoms of IBS.
IBD treatment
Treating IBD means reducing the inflammation that is causing the symptoms. Some of the anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed include corticosteroids. Doctors may also give immunosuppressant drugs to treat the condition.
How to Prevent Morning Diarrhea
People eating healthy, working out, and maintaining good hygiene are less likely to suffer from morning diarrhea. Here are the ways to prevent morning diarrhea-
- quit smoking
- reduce alcohol intake
- practice yoga, meditation
- exercises regularly
Complications Due to Morning Diarrhea
Dehydration: Dehydration is the most common side effect of diarrhea as you lose a lot of water and electrolyte.
Nutrient Deficiency: The vitamins and minerals are not absorbed in the body because of the fast movement of food through the digestive system, which leads to vitamin deficiency.
Hemorrhoids: Constant diarrhea, and spending too much time in the toilet can also lead to the hemorrhoids.
Some other symptoms caused by diarrhea are:
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- Lightheadedness
- Dark urine
- Dry mouth or skin
- Excessive thirst
- Dizziness
An occasional incident of morning diarrhea is usually nothing to worry about. But if it reoccurs, there can be a problem. If it is not because of your diet, some underlying medical condition can be blamed.
Consult the doctor as soon as possible if you experience fever, blood in stool, or vomiting along with morning diarrhea.
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