
15 Serious Side Effects of Flax Seeds

Flax seeds, also called linseed is used widely by people who come to know about the benefits it offers and they feel they must reap…

12 Possible Side Effects Of Hemp Seeds You Must Be Aware Of

We see that hemp seeds are getting in vogue as a health food these days and more and more people are including them in their…

How To Use Coconut Oil For Oil Pulling

There are many products in the world that protect your various health conditions. Oral health is very important and should be given proper care and…

10 Best Essential Oils for Headaches

Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that retain the natural scent and flavor of the plant. They are used for a variety of purposes, including…

Turmeric And Honey : Health Benefits, Preparation and How to Take

A combination of turmeric and honey is extremely beneficial. Known as “Golden Honey” when combined together, this potent combination can treat cold, cough, acne, sore…

Baking Soda Bath: Benefits and How to Do?

Baking soda bath are considered as safe, inexpensive, and many times, effective approach to take care for your skin as well as resolve health concerns.…

14 Oregano Oil Side Effects You Must Know

Oregano is very well known to most of us as one of the condiments served along with pizza. It is a herb belonging to the…

12 Serious Side Effects Of Beetroot Juice You Must Know

How often have you come across the bright red colored vegetable – beetroot? Umpteen times we are sure! Along with the number of times you…

5 Natural Kidney Cleansing Drinks At Home

Kidneys balance the electrolytes in our body, create hormones, and help in the elimination of wastes. For a healthy adult, a nutrient-rich diet with a…

Top 11 Side Effects Of Pumpkin Seeds That Will Shock You

In times of ever increasing consumption of processed food, one is often ignorant of its detrimental effect in the long run. With organic living gradually…

12 Surprising Side Effects of Hibiscus Tea You Must Know About

Herbal teas have been consumed for a very long period of time. Various herbs have been used in the brewing of the tea. With the…

30 Amazing Benefits of Amla Juice

Amla, which is known more commonly around the world as ‘Indian Gooseberry’ is well known to have a few health benefits. But not just few…

Top 12 Side Effects Of Jeera Water (Cumin Seeds) You Need to Know

Cumin seeds or jeera seeds are one of the most common and easily available ingredient in our kitchen shelves. It is practically impossible to think…

How to Get Rid of Sulfur Burps Naturally?

Upon being digested the food gives out hydrogen sulfide as a byproduct. When the stomach gets bloated with excessive air inside, this excess is expelled…

15 Harmful Side Effects of Triphala Churna

Triphala is a widely popular ayurvedic powder that has a vast multitude of benefits to offer. It is very popular in any home that follows…

15 Side Effects of Aloe Vera Juice To Be Aware Of

Unless you have been living under a rock, there is no way that you haven’t heard about aloe vera and its umpteen benefits. Whether you…

14 Side Effects of Noni Juice Need To Know Before You Drink

Derived from a herbal plant Morinda citrifolia, noni juice is found in tropical locations. The juice is made out of the noni fruit and it…

20 Amazing Benefits Of Dragon Fruit (Pitaya) For Skin, Hair And Health

Dragon fruit or pitaya is a fruit whose roots can be traced to south America. Though these days it is also grown in Asian countries…

How to Get Rid of Scabs in Nose, Causes, Treatment, Remedies?

Nasal scabs could be mucus in the nose that has dried up or could also be the sores healing up and forming scabs. They could…

13 Fat Burner Side Effects You Must Be Aware Of

Fat burners are the new fad to hit the markets for people who want to lose all those excess weight. They have been gaining immense…

12 Side Effects Of Wheatgrass You Should Be Aware of

We all know that when toxins build up in our body, they cause several health problems that perturb us with how did we develop this…

Top 20 Uses and Benefits of Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is extracted from the eucalyptus tree which itself originally is known scientifically as Eucalyptus Globulus and in Australia as Tasmanian Blue gum. It…

20 Surprising Health Benefits of Figs (Anjeer)

A member of the mulberry family, the fig tree is found in parts of Western Asia and is an extremely popular fruit. While the fruit…

How to Remove Skin Tags Naturally at Home?

Any irregular outgrowth makes the skin appear abnormal. Moles, warts, corns, and skin tags are the most common skin growths that people experience. In this…

20 Unknown Benefits of Drinking Beetroot Juice

Beetroot has been widely popular because of its health benefits since the ages. It is well known for a few benefits such as reducing blood…

Pomegranate Juice: Benefits and Uses For Skin, Hair & Health

Pomegranate is a kind of berry and is extremely rich in many kinds of nutrients providing us with a vast multitude of health benefits and…

25 Amazing Benefits and Uses of Besan (Gram Flour)

Besan which is known in English as gram flour is widely used in India for cooking. It has also been a wonderful home remedy in…

20 Powerful Uses & Benefits of Black Chickpeas You Should Know About

Black chickpea or ‘Kaala Chana’ is fundamentally anitemfound in most kitchens. It would be news to meifsomeone didn’t comprehend what we are talking abouteven after…

11 Side Effects Of Drinking Too Much Water You Must Know About

How many times have you been instructed to drink sufficient amount of water? Countless times we are sure! Drinking a minimum of 8-10 glass is…

20 Benefits of Mango Leaves

Mango is one of our favorite fruits for most of us and rightly so because of being packed with a tasty juicy pulp and a…

11 Unexpected Side Effects Of Peppermint Tea

Peppermint is quite an interesting and a favorite flavor for many people. However, one generally associates peppermint with chewing gum. Not just chewing gum, it…

Black Tongue: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Black tongue is a condition where the finger like texture of the skin, gets elongated with black/ brown color and it becomes blackish and looks…

How To Get Rid Of Pimples Naturally Overnight & Fast

Who does not dream to get rid of pimples fast? I think,. Every girl does dream to get rid of pimple and hence we brought…

17 Amazing Benefits of Sunflower Seeds For Skin,Hair and Health

Sunflower seeds have gained popularity the recent days due to the nutritional benefits that it offers ot the body. It is mostly a snacks item…

16 Surprising Benefits of Flax Seeds For Skin, Hair and Health

Flax seeds are the tiny seeds extracted from the flax crop. It is a storehouse of many nutrients. It has antioxidants, fiber, omega 3 fatty…

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds You Should Definitely Know

Chia is basically a flowering plant which belongs to the mint family. Now this is cultivated in all over the world due to it’s highly…

11 Benefits of Carom(Ajwain) Seeds For Good Health

Carom seeds are popularly known as Ajwain in the Indian households. Bishop’s weed is also the other name for Carom seeds. It is a medicinal…

25 Benefits Of Cumin Seeds That Will Keep You Healthy And Strong

Cumin seed or jeera as it is popularly known is one of the staple ingredients found in every kitchen. A perfect ingredient which adds some…

20 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Throw Away The Watermelon Seeds

As soon as you take a good chunky bite of a juicy watermelon piece, there is one unwanted piece that pops in your mouth. Yes,…

20 Interesting Benefits and Uses of Moringa Seeds

Moringa seeds also known as drumstick seeds, are obtained from the pods of the drumstick trees. These seeds are known to be extremely beneficial and…

20 Best Health Benefits Of Coriander Seeds

How many times has your mom sent you to buy some coriander leaves? Well, I have been sent innumerable times and am sure it’s the…

1200 Calorie Diet Plan For Weight Loss: What is it & Menu Plan

Ok, so what exactly do you mean by 1200 calorie diet plan? Reducing the calorie consumption to shed weight and keep the body fit? Yes,…

8 Amazing Fad Diets That Actually Work

Now if you are here looking for a fad diet, its quite evident you want to lose all the excess weight fast. Well we know…

20 Surprising Benefits of Raisins

We often end up munching on those sweet-tasting raisins while our moms are busy cooking up delicious desserts. Though you might love them for their…

How to Use Turmeric for Teeth Whitening?

Turmeric is probably the most effective nutritional thing we use in our day to day life. Because of its numerous benefits, it has rightly been…

Home Remedies to Whiten Teeth Fast

A dazzling smile can speak volumes about your personality. Ironically, we are all scared to smile because our teeth are not as pearly white like…

Want To Use Activated Charcoal? Here Are The Charcoal Benefits

Used for detoxification of toxins and chemicals from our body, charcoal also popularly known as activated charcoal when used for medical purposes is one of…

How to Treat Bleeding Gums: 10 Home Remedies to Try

“Felt embarrassed in public due to bleeding gums? May be while you were sharing fruits with friends? Gum Bleeding is that problem which is faced…

Use Walnut Leaves Tea For Hair! It Has Spectacular Effects!

The walnut leaves tea have been used from long ancient era for making cosmetic products and medicinal properties. These leaves of walnut work to provide…

Honey and Cinnamon Health Benefits: Both Combine

How do the anti-inflammatory properties of honey and cinnamon complement each other? Combining honey and cinnamon is like blending two natural ingredients with a long…

How To Purify Your Lungs In 72 Hours?

Be it a teenager or an oldie, a man or a woman, the first thing comes to them is either a heart or a brain,…

Top 30 Benefits Of Saffron That Blew Our Minds And Will Leave You Surprised Too

Saffron, Zafran, Kesar – no matter what you call it, there is no denying the fact that this orange colored spice is one of the…

How To Check Blood Pressure Manually

Modern day lifestyle has affected our lives in many ways. With so many diseases that have now become an integral part of our lives, the…

Enlighten Yourself With These 10 Benefits Of Glycerin For A Healthy Looking You

We all know what glycerin is right, but did you know that it has innumerable benefits which can result in healthy looking you? We are…

How To Treat Adrenal Fatigue Naturally?

Before I start off with the remedies, I want you guys to go through the below questions carefully and answer them truthfully.(1) Are you suffering…

Top 20 Uses & Benefits of Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) You Should Know

Wouldn’t the world be a better place if we suffered from no ailments and disorders? Wouldn’t it make our lives a teeny-weeny bit easier if…

8 Efficient Ways To Stop Sugar Cravings Naturally

In the course of the day, we tend to feel hungry quite a few times. Our hunger pangs are not limited to three meals and…

7 Home Remedies for Pimples on Female Private Parts

Vaginal pimples have been a cause of concern for lot of women. Most women feel uncomfortable discussing about them, but if not cured for it…

Raspberry Leaf Tea: Pregnancy, Benefits and Side Effects

From the family of berries, red raspberry is a widely eaten fruit that has many medicinal properties. Being described for its therapeutic use in 1597…

An A-Z Guide On How To Treat Thyroid Naturally

In this fast paced world, we often tend to either neglect our health or we look for some quick remedies to fix our health issues.…

4 Reasons To Use Argan Oil Daily

Argan oil is also called as the Liquid gold.. It is a native of Morocco. It is made from the kernels of argan tree. It…

20 Benefits and Medicinal Uses of Guava Leaves You Never Knew

Guava is a tropical fruit and is consumed majorly all around the globe. It is sweet and juicy and is usually available throughout the year…

How To Put a Tampon in Without it Hurting

Going through your monthly periods is already an exhausting and painful task and the only thing that we like to focus on during our period…

10 Quick Exercises To Get Rid Of Your Double Chin

The gym fever has hit everyone once again and you can see everyone walking, running, jogging and exercising in their quest to achieve the perfect…

Heard About White Tea? Find Out Why Is It Good For Your Health

Tea has become the vital part of our lifestyle. A cup of tea is necessary both morning and evening tea otherwise it seems to be…

Heard About Hemorrhoids But Have No Clue About It? Here Is The What, When And…

You must have vaguely heard of the term hemorrhoids and must have wondered what exactly is it. Well, in layman’s language it is called as…

How to Exfoliate Lips Naturally at Home?

We all advice each other on taking care of our facial skin and how regular exfoliation is necessary to remove those dead skin cells. But,…

How To Fix A Pinched Nerve – Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments

A pinched nerve is a nerve that gets compressed and causes a lot of pain. As we all know, nerves extend from the brain and…

Pregnant During Your Periods – Is It A Myth Or A Possibility

‘Can you or can you not?’ This question has been plaguing women since a very long time. Wondering what are talking about? We are talking…

What Are The Benefits And Side Effects of Omega-3 Fish Oil?

Omega-3 fish oil has many benefits and is used in treatment of many diseases. Over the past decade, a lot of people have turned to…

Find Out How To Treat And Prevent Thyroid With These 12 Yoga Poses

Have you been suffering from thyroid disorder? Have you tried out different prescribed medicines to cure this disorder but without any success? Well, if your…

Milk Of Magnesia – Uses, Benefits And Side Effects

Most of us have heard about milk of magnesia, but not many must have used it. Some of us think it to be a medicine,…

Brown Rice Vs White Rice – Which One Is Better?

Have you ever thought that the type of rice you eat , can make a lot of difference on your health and well-being? We know…

Benefits of Garlic and Honey on An Empty Stomach

What to eat on an empty stomach can be a really confusing thought and question. This question is also relevant because the earliest diet on…

How to Get Rid of Moles Naturally?

Moles are a part and parcel of our body which often end up as beauty spots and identification marks. Now as long as they are…

Pumice Stone :15 Reasons Why You Should Use

Whether you are a beauty expert or not, there is one item which I am sure you would all have in your beauty regime. No…

Benefits of Eating Garlic on an Empty Stomach:

One of the most recognized and best known spices that are used commonly is garlic. Garlic is well-known for its medicinal qualities as well as…

How to Delay Periods Naturally at Home?

Are your chumming dates coming close and you have a trip to go next week? Are you thinking of taking some pills? Well, you should…

Beautilicious Benefits Of Using Rose Water

Roses are red, violets are blue, try rose water and look all new. This might give you a giggle, but that is how rose water…

Top 10 Easy Ways to Get Rid of a Hickey Overnight

Are you searching for how to remove a hickey? Then don’t worry! You are at the right place. A hickey, moreover identified as a kiss…

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Baking Soda and Lemon Juice

Health is important for every individual and one common reason why we work hard. But unless we are healthy and fit we cannot work. Yes,…

11 Surprising Uses & Benefits Of Cedarwood Oil That You Must Know

The cedarwood oil is extracted from the cedar tree through a process of steam distillation. It is also known as Juniperus Virginiana. It is usually…

25 Surprising Benefits of Safflower Oil for Skin, Hair & Health

Safflower was abundantly used by the ancient Egyptians for both medical and cosmetic purposes. The dried petals of this orange colored flower are sold as…

18 Unknown Beauty Benefits of Almond Oil You Should Know

Almonds contain great amounts of antioxidants, protein and fat, high vitamin E levels and other essential nutrients. Using almond oil regularly helps to provide glowing…

How to Lighten Dark Elbows and Knees at Home?

If your skin complexion is fair and the elbows and knees are dark and dirty, then it looks quite awkward. The dark elbows are very…

25 Amazing Health Benefits of Okra /Lady’s Finger (Bhindi)

Okra or lady’s finger as it is commonly called is a staple food item that often finds a place in our daily diet. But other…

25 Best Aphrodisiac Foods That Helps to Boost Your Performance on Bed

So, are you looking to boost your performance on bed? Never let your partners intimacy and fantasies with you take a back seat. Physical intimacy…

Top 12 Healthy Weight Loss Smoothies That’ll Help You Slim Down

Smoothies are a wonderful combination of health and taste. Typically a thick beverage drink, a smoothie is made by adding fruits and vegetables in some…

9 Simple Exercises to Get a Flat Stomach After Delivery

Exercise plays important role in our lifestyle and daily exercise helps to provide lots of benefits to your health. As you continue exercise every day…

Top 10 Benefits of Being A Vegetarian

So, would you love to be a vegetarian? Although the world has gone gaga over chicken and beef recipes, there remains little powerful reason which…

8 Effective Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes

All young men and women have same problem .i.e., dark circles under eyes. Most of them ignore because, it’s  a common problem and they think…

35 Benefits of Sesame Oil For Skin, Hair and Health

Sesame seed oil is often referred to as ‘Til ka Tel’ or Gingely Oil and it is widely used in cooking.  Chefs and health experts…

Top 50 Health Benefits of Drinking Red Wine

Most of us know what alcohol is. Red wine is a kind of beverage which produces good emotions to our body. There always remains a…

15 Foods That Helps to Relieve Constipation in Your Kids

Constipation is a common problem which people suffer due to improper bowel moments. This problem may be due to bowel moments are infrequent, too difficult…

How Do You Take Off Acrylic Nails Using Acetone?

You enjoy wearing acrylic nails a lot that are trendy as all women do? Acrylic nails look very appealing but it is very tough to…

How to Get Rid of Cellulite – 10 Best Foods That Fight Cellulite

Cellulite is dimpled fat that generally appears on the tummy, thighs, and bums. Once it starts appearing, getting rid of them completely is difficult. But…

How To Remove Acrylic Nails With Hot Water?

Fashion teaches us a lot of things especially for women who love to try out the unique tips and tricks shown on various fashion and…

Want To Stay Younger For Longer? Eat These 17 Healthy Foods For Anti-Ageing

Yes, this is true we cannot stop the clock, but we can take efforts to rewind the clock and looks like you used to 10…

12+ Amazing Health Benefits of Drinking Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is an herbal tea which is infused with peppermint and is sometimes made out of mint tea. This tea is made out of…
