
Melatonin for Insomnia: Does It Really Work?

Insomnia is a person’s inability to sleep or habitual sleeplessness. There are a number of causes of insomnia that include unhealthy sleeping habits, medical conditions,…

How to Take Yogurt for Diarrhea?

An increase in the bowel movement and looseness of stool is called diarrhea. Some people get it more often as a part of irritable bowel…

How to Use Castor oil for Boils Treatment?

Boils can be described as pimples with puss inside. It is formed due to bacterial infection in the hair follicles. It turns into a bump…

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Ear Infection?

Ear infections are caused directly or indirectly due to the presence of bacterial, fungal or viral overgrowth in the ear. Ear infections are usually characterized…

Mustard For Heartburn – How Effective Is it?

Heartburn is caused due to the imbalance in the acid produced by the gastrointestinal tract. It usually leads to a strong pain in the chest…

How to Use Epsom Salt for Constipation Relief?

While constipation has become a quite a common problem faced by many, the need of finding a solution to the problem by a natural remedy…

Ginger for Arthritis: Does It Work?

Arthritis is a condition in which there is an inflammation in one or more joints of the body, including knees, fingers, elbows, wrist and shoulders.…

How to Use Tea Tree Oil For Scabies?

Scabies is a skin infection caused due to infestation of a microbial mite. The infection is characterized by severe itching and pimple-like rashes all over…

How to Cure Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) With Apple Cider Vinegar?

For centuries, apple cider vinegar has been a part of our households. Apple cider vinegar has acetic acid which has the ability to kill dangerous…

How to Take Apple Cider Vinegar for Diarrhea?

An increase in the bowel movement, an increase in the looseness of stool is called diarrhea. There are various medicines to combat this problem however…

Prunes for Constipation Relief – How Effective Is it?

When bowel movements are tough or happen less often than normal, these symptoms are of constipation. It happens to everyone sooner or later. This usually…

Coconut Oil for Canker Sores: How to Use?

Canker sores are nothing but mouth ulcers. They appear on the inside of the mouth either on the lips or throat, inside of cheeks or…

Does Cinnamon Help Diabetes? Benefits and Precautions

Diabetes is a metabolic disease that leads to an increase in blood sugar and glucose levels in the body. Broadly categorized into type 1 and…

How Yogurt Helps BV (Bacteria Vaginosis)?

Bacterial vaginosis is the most common gynecological infection and  in the case of sexually active women, there are chances of the infection getting transmitted to…

How to Use Olive Oil for Constipation Relief?

Being constipated means your bowel movements are tough or happen less often than normal. It happens to everyone sooner or later. This usually happens because…

Witch Hazel for Bruises: Does it Really Work?

A bruise is a skin injury that results in a blue or black discoloration of the skin. Usually there is blood accumulation at the place…

How Effective is Using Tea Tree Oil for Ingrown Hair

Ingrown hair, as the name suggests, are hair that curl backwards and start growing inside the skin. This can be due to the clogging of…

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Earaches Relief?

Several factors contribute to causing earaches that include ear-wax accumulation, entry of a foreign particle in the ear and many more. Ear is linked to…

How to Use Tea Tree oil for Boils?

Boils can be described as pimples with puss inside, mainly caused due to blockage in the sweat glands or hair follicles. They are bacterial infection…

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Soften Gallbladder Stones?

Gallstones- as the name indicates are the accumulation of hard material inside the gall bladder. The main reason for developing gallstones is accumulation of cholesterol…

How To Use Tea Tree Oil for Genital Warts?

Genital warts are caused by human papilloma virus which is transmitted sexually and causes itches, rashes and discomfort in the genital area. Genital warts in…

Oregano Oil for Herpes – How Effective Is it?

Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that affects the skin, genitals and cervix and is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). It is a…

How Effective is Apple Cider Vinegar for Ringworm Treatment?

Ringworm infection is commonly known as dermatophytosis and is caused by a fungus. The infection starts with red patches on the affected areas of the…

How to Use Epsom Salt for Eczema?

Eczema is an allergic reaction of the skin caused by external factors. It causes itching, causes rashes and sometimes even bleeding of the external layer…

How to Use Baking Soda for Indigestion?

Indigestion is an uncomfortable burning sensation in the upper belly which is caused due to a pH imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract. Difficulty in digesting…

Apple Cider Vinegar for Ear Infection: How to Use?

Ear infections occur when the middle or inner ear (including the ear canal) are attacked by bacteria or virus. The eustachian tubes get blocked with…

How to Treat Bacterial Vaginal (BV) Infection with Garlic?

The vagina houses a lot of bacteria, good (lactobacilli) and  bad (anaerobes). In bacterial vaginosis the natural balance gets upset when too much of bad…

How Can Baking Soda Help Relieve Canker Sores?

Canker sores, also called aphthous ulcers, are small, shallow lesions that grow on the soft tissues of the mouth or at the base of the…

Apple Cider Vinegar for Arthritis Pain: How to Use?

Arthritis is a disease that brings in stiffness and pain in various joints in the body. Arthritis is a result of wear and tear in…

Does Hydrogen Peroxide Cure Bacterial Vaginosis?

When there is an imbalance in the good and bad bacteria in the female genitalia area, it leads to an infection termed bacterial vaginosis or…

How to Use Turmeric to Treat Boils?

Boils can be described as pimples with puss inside. They are bacterial infection caused in hair follicles due to bacterial deposits. Boils can appear anywhere…

Fish Oil for Arthritis: Does it Really Work?

Arthritis is very common but less well understood disease; it generally means any type of disease that affects the joints. Actually, “arthritis” is not a…

Baking Soda for Acid Reflux: How to Use?

The stomach contains acid which if moves up into the esophagus can cause symptoms such as a burning sensation and pain in the lower chest,…

How to Get Rid of Blackheads Fast with Coconut Oil

If there is one thing that an individual is worried about if he/she has an oily skin is blackheads. These repulsive bumps appear on the…

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Keloids?

Wounds are usually surrounded by scar tissues and overgrowth of scar tissues is known as keloid. Keloids derive their name from crab claw which is…

Can Olive Oil Remove Wax or Treat an Earache?

Earache is a common occurrence and several factors might contribute to causing a strong pain in the ear. Ear wax accumulation, exposure to foreign substances…

Can Breast Milk Help an Ear Infection?

According to the studies, ear infections are most common in children(1) in the age range of six to eighteen months. Ear infections are usually caused…

How To Remove A Mole With Apple Cider Vinegar

Moles, usually brown or black in color can appear anywhere on the skin. Moles can appear when skin cells starts growing in a cluster. Moles…

How to Use Olive Oil For Ear Infections?

One of the main causes of ear infections is the accumulation and growth of bacteria and fungus in the wax present in the ear canal.…

How To Get Rid Of Fever Blisters Using Tea Tree Oil?

Fever blisters, commonly known as cold sores, appear as outbreaks on the skin near the mouth. The factors contributing to fever blisters can be stress-…

Cranberry Juice for Bladder Infections – How Effective Is it?

Bladder infections, commonly termed as the urinary tract infection or UTI occur due to bacterial growth in the urinary tract. A number of factors such…

How to Use Peppermint Oil for Headaches?

Headache is the term used for pain occurring anywhere around the head and the neck. Frequent and strong headaches cause disruption to both personal and…

The 3 Day Diet Plan for Weight Loss

The three-day diet for weight loss is a quick and efficient way of bringing your weight back into track. Although it promises great results, it…

Best Yoga Poses That Improve Your Sex Life

Considering the work burden in day to day life, it is necessary to do yoga exercise daily. People struggle every day of their lives to…

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Herpes?

Genital herpes, commonly known as herpes, is a sexually transmitted disease arising out of infection by the herpes simplex virus. It is considered to be…

How to Use Fenugreek Seeds (Methi Seeds) for Breast Enlargement?

Artificial and chemically induced methods of breast enlargement are not healthy and pose many side-effects and hence this home based remedy using fenugreek has gained…

How to Stop Excessive Salivation

Saliva is a lucid liquid that comes in the form of water and is secreted by salivary glands. The salivary glands in our body are…

How to Apply Tea Tree Oil for Ringworm?

Ringworm infection, commonly known as dermatophytosis, is caused by a fungal parasite. The affected areas are marked by redness in the skin and usually occur…

Clove Oil for Dry Socket: Try This Effective Home Remedy

Dry socket is often defined as the strong, sharp and throbbing pain that follows the removal of a tooth.(1) It usually occurs two to three…

How to Use Argan oil for Eyelashes Growth?

Argan oil is derived from Argan nut and extracted from kernels of Argan tree. This nut is mainly present in Morocco. This oil has recently…

How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help Cold Sores?

Cold sores are extremely painful and hence unwanted sores caused by herpes virus and are also known as fever sores. It is usually transmitted when…

Is Hydrogen Peroxide Cure for Cold Sores?

Cold sores, also known as fever blisters that are itchy red blisters caused due to infection by the Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2. This…

How to Use Baking Soda for Rashes?

Rashes are red colored bumps in the skin that can be itchy. Rashes are a common occurrence when suffering from any skin disorders such as…

Apple Cider Vinegar for HeartBurn Relief: Does It Work?

Heartburn also referred to as acid reflux is a burning sensation in the stomach or chest that leads to chronic coughing and burning feeling the…

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Cold Sores?

Infection caused due to the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) when transmitted through liquids or things used by an infected person is called cold sores. These…

The 5 Best Vitamins for Healthy Skin

Choosing the right vitamins is crucial for healthy skin. When taken care of the body from inside, the beauty naturally shows up on the skin.…

How to Get Rid of Razor Bumps In The Bikini Area?

Our skin is extremely sensitive when you use any sharp equipment then it that can instantly affect on that particular area of the skin very…

Garcinia Cambogia Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

Are you tired of trying to reduce your weight? Garcinia Cambogia is one of the best and leading weight loss supplements in the marketplace globally.…

Essential Oils for Anxiety and Depression: Benefits and How to Use

Anxiety, stress, depression all come when something doesn’t turn out as expected. Emotions when not expressed lead to accumulation of anger and it all causes…

How To Use Coconut Oil for Keratosis Pilaris?

Some of the diseases are not easily treated even after the consumption of several medicines. Keratosis pilaris is a disease caused by various infections on…

10 Amazing Benefits of Cherry Juice for Your Good Health

Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day. Breakfast should start with a glass of fresh juice. Fruit juices are a…

14 Surprising Benefits of Oolong Tea You Probably Didn’t Know

Oolong tea is produced from Camellia sinensis plant and this is the plant which has the same effects as black and green tea. Oolong tea…

13 Wonderful Benefits Of Witch Hazel For Skin, Hair And Health

Witch hazel is well-known as a winter blossom flower shrub. Witch hazel is recognized from its amazing invigorating properties. There are many witch hazel products…

6 Best Essential Oils for Ear Infection and How to Use

Ear infection is quite common among men, women, and children. When the infection occurs exactly in the middle ear it is called as “Otitis Media”…

Best Vitamins & Supplements to to Strengthen Bones and Joints

To strengthen the bones in your body and to keep the joints healthy and fit, it is recommended to use vitamins that are the most…

How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help Varicose Veins?

Often people have to face lots of stubborn diseases like varicose veins. In this condition, people have to suffer from veins of the lower extremity…

How to Use Cocoa Butter for Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are caused when the skin loses its elasticity. Thus, to reduce stretch marks, the skin has to regain its elasticity. And, this can…

Top 13 Side Effects of Eating Too Many Bananas

A lot of facts about various things generally end up as myths. So we decided to find out whether eating too many benefits can actually…

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Honey with Lemon Water

Consuming honey lemon water is one of the most famous natural remedy. The beneficial effects of honey and lemon combined in one helps the body…

5 Healthy Juices to Cleanse Your Kidneys Naturally

Kidneys are simple bean-shaped organs that are meant for removing toxic substances from the body, maintain a mineral balance, and regulate blood pressure. So it…

Baking Soda and Lemon: Benefits for Health and Beauty

Baking soda chemically called as sodium bicarbonate is known for its use in baking as a leavening agent. Along with its use as a raising…

Top 12 Side Effects Of Drinking Beer

Beer is one the oldest and most popular drink across the globe. It is made by whisking barley or corn and millet with water and…

13 Shocking Side Effects of Spirulina

Have you heard about the super food spirulina? This blue-green algae grown majorly throughout the world and is super-house of all the essential minerals and…

How to Get Rid of Cellulite with Castor Oil

The use of castor oil against cellulite is not groundbreaking, but very effective to improve the condition of the skin, which spoils the look in…

29 Surprising Benefits of Carrot Juice

In our daily diet we consume multiple vegetables and all vegetables are said to be are good for health. One of the most common vegetable…

13 Side Effects Of Green Tea You Never Knew About

One herbal drink that has slowly gained popularity and has now become an integral part of every individual’s daily diet is the green tea. Though…

What Are The Side Effects Of Coconut Oil?

When it comes to the health of skin, hair, treatment of various diseases, cardiac disease prevention, etc. coconut oil delivers numerous invaluable benefits. It has…

15 Side Effects Of Ginger You Should Be Aware Of

Ginger can be found in all our kitchens and we usually use it to enrich our food with its flavor, cure the symptoms of certain…

12 Serious Side Effects Of Lemon

Don’t we all love that tangy and zingy flavor of lemon? Whether you just drink it as a lemon juice or add it as a…

17 Surprising Garlic Side Effects You Must Be Aware Of

Garlic, which we know in our homes as Lehsun, looks like onions and is widely used as a flavoring agent in the food. It is…

15 Side Effects Of Black Tea

Who doesn’t love a cup of steaming black tea? Though it may not have a lot of staunch supporters, there are people who cannot function…

3 Day Colon Cleanse for Better Health

The colons cleanse ritual helps in clearing unwanted toxic waste from the body. It makes the person feel better in belly, mind, body and soul.…

6 Delicious Detox Water Recipes

Adding of different ingredients in water for easier consumption and also aids in providing our skin the extra nutrients and vitamins. Regular consumption of water is…

Top 15 Side Effects of Honey You Must Know

Honey is often used as a sweetener and is one of those ingredients which are found in every household kitchens. Apart from being considered as…

10 Side Effects of Pomegranate Juice You Must Know

One of the healthiest fruits that are easily available in the market is the pomegranate. One can either chew them and eat it or extract…

10 Simple Yoga Poses for Back Pain

Do you have a job that demands sitting 8 to 9 hours in front of the laptop? Well, back pain is a common health issue…

Negative Effects of Tea Tree Oil

A list of essential oils is incomplete without the mention of tea tree oil. This essential oil with a fresh camphor smell is also known…

Top 25 Yoga Poses – Beginner, Intermediate And Advanced You Really Need to Know

Talks about benefits of yoga are infinite. Studies of these 25 yoga poses will help you in all ways of getting yourself fit and healthy. Believe…

12 Side Effects Of Fenugreek Seeds You Should Know About

It’s hard to imagine those tiny little seeds can have any kind of side effect, right? But it is true! Fenugreek seeds do have certain…

15 Side Effects Of Amla You Should Be Aware Of

Almost every one of us would be familiar with Amla and many of us would already be using it for several purposes in various forms.…

Top 40 Fiber Rich Foods You Should be Eating Everyday

Several research and studies have shown that fiber is one of the vital ingredients to help you lose weight and do good digestion. Dietary fiber can…

12 Serious Side Effects of Goji Berries You Should Know

With the majority of the population heading towards organic living to combat against unhealthy lifestyle and pollution, inclusion of fruits and vegetables that are rich…

15 Castor Oil Side Effects You Should Be Aware Of

Castor oil is said to be packed with numerous health benefits which include those for hair, skin, constipation, etc. It is indeed a great gift…

11 Acai Berry Side Effects You Should Be Aware Of

Acai berries are small, round-shaped, deep purple berries about the size of a grape. They are indigenous to the rain-forests of the Amazon. They are…

15 Ashwagandha Side Effects You Didn’t Know About

We Indians often tend to lean towards our tried and tested Ayurvedic medicines. Though English medicines are also used widely, people have once again started…

15 Side Effects of Too Much Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is being hailed as one of the best drinks and is often considered as an essential health tonic. This miraculous drink…

Home Remedies for Back Pain: Ease Back Pain Naturally

Are you suffering from back pain? Many people rely on medications, but they come with the risk of side effects. Here are the equally effective alternatives that…

12 Serious Side Effects Of Grape Seed Extract Must Know About It

Grapes are a favorite with everyone; be it an adult or a child. They are not only favored for their taste but also for innumerable…

19 Effective Home Remedies for Toothache Pain Relief

Anyone who’s ever had a toothache knows just how painful it can be. The intensity of the pain can vary from mild discomfort to severe…
