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Even if you are going for a short distance, you should always have a list of products to be carried. And this is why we call you as “women”. Being a woman you should necessarily carry these things in bag, because they can be useful just for beauty purpose but they can sometime help you in emergency too. If allowed to share my experience, I would say more than my bunch of books and pens in my bag, you will always find these things. You don’t need to stuff them every day in bag, but you can purchase a mini pack to keep them in purse, use them and store them again in the bag. So, here are few things that every girl must carry in her purse.
Article Contains
20 Essential Things Every Girl Should Carry In Her Bag
1. Face wash
You should always have face wash in your purse. This is not because, we want you to wash your face and then and get completely obsessed by your face wash but this is to prevent discomfort and unwanted situations. You can wash your face if you think; it has grown too much oily and sticky.
2. Facial Wipes
It is not possible to wash your face every day, just for example, you are travelling and you don’t find any place to wash your face. For such times, you should have facial wipes in your purse. This will help you to keep your face clean and away from pollution.
3. Moisturizer
Moisturizer not only helps to moisturize your skin but it also can act as a savior during emergencies. Just for example, say you got a cut or you are experiencing burn on your skin. So, at such time you can apply moisturizer.
4. Band-Aid
The thing which requires minimum space is band aid. You must always have one or two in your purse. This will help to provide you with aid during emergency times.
5. Small Bottle of Perfume
Not a big, bulky one but you should carry a handy perfume in your bottle. If you are a person who sweats alot, than you would probably need them again and again. If not perfume, you can keep deodorants.
6. Antiseptic Cream
Always keep an antiseptic cream in your purse. You never know, when you would require those creams to heal your wounds. Always keep them, to be on safer side.
7. Comb
Comb is the most in the list. Even if you a girl who does not love to wear makeup and roam around, you would probably need comb during your journey. Even if you are officer goers, you will surely require comb.
8. Lip Balm
As this is winter going on, we highly recommend you wearing lip balms every day. This will help to keep your skin moist and nourished. So, it is very important to carry a lip balm in your purse.
9. Bobby Pins
Always carry four to five bobby pins in your purse. Sometime you might want to tie your hair back or fix those tiny hair flyovers. Always keep them in your purse.
10. Cotton Swabs
Cotton swabs can help to fix many problems just like it will help to remove the smudged kajal from your face, or sometime help to remove the extra lipsticks smudged over lips. They can help you in many ways.
11. Rubber Bands
Having one rubber band is enough but also very important. You should always keep a rubber band in your purse to be on safer side. You never know when your hair pin breaks off!
12. Safety Pin
If you wear a saree every day, a safety pin forms a must in the list. You must always have them in your purse to avoid any severe bad things. We are women and emergency can knock the door anything.
13. Lipstick
If you love wearing lipstick, than this surely applies to you! Carry your shade in your purse too. I understand the feeling when you have no lipstick on your lips and you are completely obsessed with it.
14. A Handkerchief
Have a handkerchief or a small towel in your bag. Sometime you want to wash your hands, face or anything. During such time, handkerchief is important.
15. Sanitary Pads
You have your dates or no dates; you must always carry sanitary pads in your bag. not the whole packet, but try to keep one or two. Sometime you can help other women in need.
16. Baby Powder
Have baby powder in your purse irrespective of any season. Sometime you want to spray them to feel cool; sometime you can feel the sense of itching, so you need baby powder. Keep a small bottle of baby powder.
17. Kajal
You use Kajal, Kohal or eyeliner; you must keep a separate pair in a purse. You might need them at any time. Many of the girls use liquid eyeliner, so you can buy two sets – one to use at home and other one for your purse, so that you don’t need to pack your bag with these things every day.
18. Water Bottle
Keeping yourself hydrated is very important and that is the reason, you must always carry a water bottle in your purse. Generally the size depends upon your need. I mean, you can carry a small bottle if you are travelling nearby but make sure you carry the bigger one, if you know the day would be exhausting for you.
19. A Pen
Other than these beauty products, aim to keep a working pen in your purse. A girl going to college, or work with no pen carries a bad impression. To be on safer side, carry two pens. If one pen does not work, the other one would surely do that.
20. A Mirror
How can mirror miss the list? Once you have stored all the above things, you must keep mirror in your purse. A small mirror is enough in your bag. Suppose your face powder or a makeup kit has a mirror attached to it, than you don’t need to add a separate one.
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