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When it comes to the health of skin, hair, treatment of various diseases, cardiac disease prevention, etc. coconut oil delivers numerous invaluable benefits. It has traditionally been used for thousands of years in the homes for various purposes and it is kept in very high regard in terms of its utility and benefits.
However, there are certain side effects of coconut oil that we should know about. When it concerns our health and wellness it is definitely better to be knowledgeable rather than being ignorant, right?
Let us see some side effects of coconut oil so that we may use it wisely.
11 Shocking Side Effects Of Coconut Oil
1. Nausea and Vomiting
Certain people are allergic to certain food and beverages. Allergic reactions trigger as soon you come in contact with those products. Even though coconut oil is safe, it may show allergy when taken in high quantity. (1)
Consuming coconut oil in excess has been proven to induce a feeling of nausea and the ensuing vomiting in some people. So, if you are consuming coconut oil for any particular reason and are experiencing these issues too, then it would be best to reduce or eliminate the coconut intake from your diet.
2. Acne
Coconut oil is sometimes traditionally used as a remedy along with turmeric to get some relief from acne, but doctors suggest that in some cases where the people are allergic to coconut oil, it may aggravate the problem of acne. Using coconut oil causes the outbreak of acne and deteriorates the issue.
Since coconut oil is comedogenic, it is likely to clog the pores and worsen acne even more. A study has revealed that applying coconut oil in acne prone skin results in degrading the condition.(2)
3. Symptoms of Diarrhea
Ingesting too much of coconut oil can cause symptoms of diarrhoea, giving a troubled time going to the loo very frequently. The MFCAs in coconut oil make the stools loose and cause the bowel to loosen up.
Even though it eliminates the problem of constipation, research suggests that intake of coconut oil should be within the limit to avoid diarrhoea.(3)
4. LDL Cholesterol Level Increase
Full of saturated fats, coconut oil contains triglyceride chains of saturated fatty acids. Eating it on a regular basis might lead to a rise in the LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels.
If this is not taken care of, it can lead to serious arterial blockages and cardiac problems (4). Some studies also suggest that coconut oil also helps in building up HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) in the body, but this claim is still highly disputed.
5. Hypertension
Coconut oil has 90% of saturated fat and is hence thought to have an increased effect on serum cholesterol levels. A rise in lipid levels in our blood has been known to be caused by our diet and dietary ingestion of oils and fats. (5)
Since coconut oil is full of saturated fats it can cause blockage in the blood vessels and lead to a rise in the blood pressure levels which causes hypertension. Hypertension being a bane for our cardiac health must be kept in mind while consuming any type of fat. So, it should be avoided in food on a regular basis.
6. Cardiac ailments
Since coconut oil increases the LDL cholesterol levels and blood pressure, it puts more pressure on the cardiac muscles to pump the blood through narrow blood vessels. According to a research, coconut oil consumption results in significantly higher LDL-cholesterol than nontropical vegetable oils. This should inform choices about coconut oil consumption (6).
Hence, coconut oil can slowly and silently prove to be a cause of heart problems if we consume it in our food regularly. So, make sure you don’t overdo it so much that it becomes a potential enemy instead of being a beneficial friend.
[ Read: Serious Tea Tree Oil Side Effects ]
7. Skin Allergies
Some people may suffer an adverse allergic reaction upon using coconut oil on the skin. They may develop itching, rashes, hives, etc. It is advisable to avoid using coconut oil in all such cases and the patients must visit their doctor to get some treatment for the allergic reaction effects. But these allergic reactions can be mitigated by getting an allergy test done to make sure what causes us allergic reactions.
8. Problems Related to the Metabolism
Studies suggest that consuming coconut oil could possibly harm our health and cause problems in our metabolism. When the coconut oil gets hydrogenated in our blood, trans fats are generated which will indirectly lead to a rise in blood sugar level in our blood. Problems such as diabetes and resistance to insulin are the end results in such cases. So, if you suffer from any such metabolic disorder, it would be advisable to stay away from coconut oil for your own good.
9. Weight Gain
Having a high fat content, it can make the process of losing the body weight a little challenging for those who struggle with maintaining their weight and work hard for it. If you see the fat content in 100 g of coconut oil that you get from the market, you will realize that it is mostly fat, and fat is never a pleasant word to even hear for overweight people.
Virgin coconut oil is the unrefined oil obtained from the fresh coconut kernel, which is rich in saturated fatty acids (about 90%), such as lauric acid (C12:0), medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) and tocopherol. A study on obesity revealed that intake of saturated fatty acids is associated with a number of secondary diseases, such as insulin resistance, glucose intolerance, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and hepatic steatosis. (7)
[ Read: Serious Castor Oil Side Effects ]
10. Flu-like Symptoms
When coconut oil cleanses our system by killing the pathogens and removes the toxins from our body, the residual toxins released into the bloodstream can cause us to develop certain flu-like symptoms for a couple of days. It is only temporary but deserves a mention here as people should not worry about it and stop using coconut oil altogether.
11. May Cause Anaphylaxis
Some people may have a severe anaphylactic reaction (8) to consuming coconut oil and it could be really serious. If we do not give it the due care and the patient does not get timely help, it may lead to life threatening consequences.
Pregnant or lactating women and small children should also not use it in excess as it could possibly cause harm, though, in normal quantities it is generally said to be safe.
Now that we have seen the possible side effects of coconut oil, which are not may, we can keep ourselves safe from any of them if we have any condition that might lead to an adverse reaction. In case of small side effects, we know how to prevent them and stay in the clear. Now, having gathered knowledge about the possible side effects of coconut oil, you can make full use of it in the best way possible.
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