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Friends are our partners in crime at every stage. They are the ones with whom we grow up sharing our feelings, teasing each other, having fun, and even fighting. However, at some point in life, we get separated from our dear friends for varied reasons. We miss them so much that we keep recalling memories shared with them during school and college days.
Best Missing Friends Quotes

If you have been missing your friends lately, let them know what you feel. It will also help you to re- connect with your buddies and have a fun time again. To help you share your feelings, we bring you some quotes on ‘missing a friend.’ Missing Friends Quotes And Messages. A simple and sweet message that you are missing your friend would be enough to get them back to you.
1. “I miss my companion like a nitwit overlooks the main issue.”
2. “It is lonely here, and I miss your light.” – Ranata Suzuki
3. “Sometimes recollections escape my eyes and move down my cheeks.”
4. “Missing our friend is missing ourselves from the world.” – Sashank Varma
5. “Sadness is… when all that you do helps to remember you, your dearest companion, yet she’s distant.”
6. “Friendship is… missing you like there’s no tomorrow.”
7. “I miss you in waves, and tonight I’m drowning.” – Denice Envall
8. “Good companions are elusive, harder to leave, and difficult to neglect.”
9. “If ever I see you grin and realize that it isn’t for me, that is the point at which I will miss you the most.”
10. “I miss him and can’t want to meet him.”
11. “Friendship is something we can cherish even when our friends are far away.”
12. “I would walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.”- Helen Keller
13. “You’re not with me, and I miss you.”
14. “If ever I see you grin and realize that it isn’t for me, that is the point at which I will miss you the most.”
15. “When I miss my closest companion, I miss my bliss.”
16. “You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known – and even that is an understatement.”– F. Scott Fitzgerald
17. “Do you miss me? You better do as I miss you a lot.”
18. “I needed you to realize you were missed.”
19. “I’m still missing you. Well I guess that I have, I guess that I have never really had you.”- Tegan Quin
20. “My world is thinning, and it’s all because result of one person I’m missing.” – Sanober Khan
21. “This is me… Missing you… And sitting tight for you to come to visit me!”
22. “I miss you when I’m relaxing.”
23. “You are the individual I’ll constantly look for in a jam-packed spot.”
24. “Compose the longest sentence, you know.” I stated: “An existence without you.”
25. “On the off chance that I had a solitary bloom for each time I consider you, I could walk everlastingly in my nursery.” – Claudia Andienne Grandi
26. “I am missing you my friend, and can’t wait to share some more amazing moments with you.”
27. “Why do I have to tell you that I miss you? You might be missing me too, so come back to me
28. “Missing somebody is the reverberating echo of everything beautiful about her her laugh, her song, her touch, her smell, the power of her words, and the constant shadow that lingers on as her perfect picture in your memory”–Richelle E. Goodrich
29. “I miss you in ways that not even words can understand.”- Gemma Troy
30. “I miss you. How much? Count the leaves in your garden, and you will know.”
31. “Friendship consists in forgetting; what one gives, and remembering what one receives.” – Alexander Dumas
32. “I think we dream so we don’t need to be apart so long. If we’re in each other’s dreams, we can play together all night.”- Bill Watterson
33. “I miss you when something great occurs because you are the one I need to impart it to.”
34. “Missing somebody is your heart’s method of advising you that you love them.”
35. “I missed those occasions when we as a whole were companions.”
36. “Distance implies so little when somebody implies to such an extent.”
37. “My dear companion, I miss you without question. I need to share such a huge amount with you.”
38. “Missing you could abandon torment to joy if I realized you were missing me as well.”
39. “Together, we were relentless, so I miss you since we are not, at this point together, old buddy.”
40. “Some individuals show up and have a particularly excellent effect on your life; you can scarcely recollect what life resembled without them.”
41. “Since the day you left me, I miss a piece of mine.”
42. “Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.”- Albert Camus
43. “You know you are my only best friend. And now you have left me. I miss you.”
44. “My dear companion, I miss you without question. I need to share such a vast amount with
45. “Let’s meet soon and have a lot of parties. I miss enjoying without you.”
46. “It isn’t about how long we spend together; it will consistently be insufficient for me. You are a piece of my spirit that lives in another body. I miss you, my closest companion.”
47. “I miss you dear. My life has become boring without you.”
48. “Missing you could abandon agony to delight if I realized you were missing me as well.”
49. “Maybe I can’t stop the deluge, yet I will consistently go along with you for a stroll in the downpour.”
50. “Sometimes, when one individual feels the loss of, the entire world appears to be terminated.”-
51. “Life proceeds onward, however recollections don’t. You may have disappeared, yet our kinship is here… in my heart.”
52. “I want to miss old companions that likely don’t miss you is silly. However, I let myself do it in any case.”
53. “I don’t miss you. I miss the giggles, grins, happy occasions and the status quo.”
54. “I miss how close we were.”
56. “I simply needed you to realize you were missed.”
57. “I wish I had done everything on earth with you.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
58. “Miles, don’t impact our kinship since affection for you is consistently in my heart. I miss my closest companion!”
59. “You’re everywhere except right here, and it hurts.” – Rupi Kaur
60. “If I miss you any harder my heart may come looking for you.” – Gemma Troy
61. “The worst thing you can do if you miss or need someone is let them know it.” – Sarah Dessen
62. “When you are missing somebody, time appears to move more slowly, and when I’m beginning to look all starry eyed at somebody, time is by all accounts moving quicker.”
63. “Missing somebody edifies how the individual way to you and widens the sentiments shared.”
64. “True companions isn’t indivisible, it’s being isolated, and nothing changes.”
65. “Every parting is a form of death, as every reunion is a type of heaven.” – Tryon Edwards
66. “Many individuals will stroll all through your life. Yet, just evident companions will leave impressions on your heart.”
67. “A friend is somebody who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”- C.S. Lewis
68. “Can miles truly separate you from friends…. If you want to be with someone you love, aren’t you already there?” – Richard Bach
69. “Missing her and looking forward to meet her is what keeps me up.”
70. “I’m missing you to the moon and back.”
71. “I wish you are with me right now when I need you.”
72. “I miss the past times. Regardless of whether we become more seasoned, our hearts continue as before. I miss you, my dear closest companion and can hardly wait for the second to embrace you.”
73. “If our friendship is true, we will each other after sometime.”
74. “It doesn’t make any difference regardless of whether you are far away from me; you will consistently be on my heart. I miss you, my BFF and love you boundlessly.”
75. “I wonder if that’s just how it feels to miss someone so bad – like being stabbed in the gut somewhat little bit, each time you think of them.”– Kate Ellison
76. “The joys of meeting pas the pangs of absence; else, who could bear it?”– Nicholas Rowe
77. “If I had a single flower for every time I think about you,you, I could walk forever in my garden.”- Claudia Grandi
78. “I’m never pitiful when a companion goes far away because whichever city or country that companion goes to, they turn the spot agreeable. They transform a dubious-looking name on the guide into where a greeting can be found.”
79. “No distance of spot or slip by of time can diminish the kinship of the individuals who are entirely convinced of one another’s worth”- Unknown
80. “Miles, don’t impact our fellowship since affection for you is consistently in my heart. I miss my dearest companion!
81. “If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart. I’ll stay there forever”-A. A. Milne
82. “True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable” – David Tyson Gentry
83. “Your companions ought to propel and rouse you. Your circle ought to be balanced and strong. Keep it tight. Quality over amount, consistently. “
84. “Thou art my gaze like a beautiful dream. And I seek thee in vain by thed meadow and stream.”– George Linley
85. “I never thought I would miss you so much.”
86. “I can manage anything in this world except your quietness.”
87. “Friendship, like love, is destroyed by long absence; though, it may be increased by short intermissions.”- Samuel Johnson
88. “Sometimes, it is the person closest to us who must travel the furthest distance to be our friend.”- Robert Brault
89. “My dearest companion, I wish you were here for my birthday. In any case, a debt of gratitude is for wishing me a cheerful birthday, my brilliant companion!”
90. “When you miss me just look up to the night sky and remember, I’m like a star; sometimes you can’t see me; but I’m always there.”– Jayde Nicole
91. “Your absence has gone through me like thread through a needle. Everything I do is sewed with its color.”- W.S. Merwin
92. “No man is so perfect, so necessary to his friends as to give them no cause to miss him less” – Jean de la Bruyere
93. “Sometimes, only one single person is missing, and the whole world seems depopulated.”- Alphonse De Lamartine
94. “Friendship is the only cement concrete that will ever hold the world together” – Woodrow Wilson
95. “Cherish those individuals who can contact you and still be a large number of miles from your quality.”- Rachel Wolchin
96. “The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected.”- Nicholas Sparks
97. “Ever absent, ever near; Still I see you; still I hear; Yet I cannot reach thee, dear!” – Francis Kazinczy
98. “The delight of meeting pays the aches of nonappearance; else who could bear it?”
99. “I miss you and I have no words to express the same.”
100. “When I miss my dearest companion, I miss my satisfaction.”
101. “When I miss you, I re-read our old messages and grin like a nitwit.”
102. “When I say I miss school, I mean my companions and the fun, not the concentrating part.”
103. “The explanation it harms such a great amount to isolate is because our spirits are associated.” – Unknown
104. “Even if life attempts to destroy us, and you are far away, you are consistent with me in my heart. As you most likely are aware, our association isn’t physical; it’s otherworldly. I miss you, my dearest companion.”
105. “The friend who holds your hand and says the wrong thing is made of dearer stuff than the one who stays away.”- Barbara Kingsolver
106. “My world is a million shattered pieces put together, glued by my tears, where each piece is nothing but a reflection of YOU”- Sanhita Baruah
107. “Distance methods so little when somebody implies to such an extent. Today, I read short sonnets about companionship, and I need to say your fellowship is genuinely essential to me, and I miss you to such an extent.”
108. “Nothing makes the earth seems so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make latitudes and longitudes.” Henry David Thoreau
109. “You are my friend I look up to meeting you again and again.”
110. “Friendship is solid by distance and unaltered by time. Our companionship is veritable, and nothing and no one will obliterate it.”
111. “You, my closest friend but you aren’t with me now. I need your help, love, and care through the miles. The attention to being adored and regarded light my day.”
112. “The recollections we have made together are beyond value. I can hardly wait for making new ones! I miss the dearest companion, and I am sitting tight for you.”
113. “I cannot imagine the highs and lows of my life without you.”
114. “It’s not the length of time we knew someone that makes them so special. It’s what they brought into our lives”- Sandra Kring
115. “Be slow to fall into friendship; but, when thou art in, continue firm and constant.”- Socrates
116. “The language of friendship is not words.”- Henry David Thoreau
117. “All days are nights to see till I see thee, and nights bright days when dreams do show thee me.”- William Shakespeare
118. “Friends can help one another. A genuine companion is somebody who allows you to have unlimited opportunity to act naturally – and uniquely to feel. Or then again, not feel. Whatever you end up being feeling right now, approves of them. That is the thing that genuine love adds up to – leaving an individual alone what he truly is.”- Unknown
119. “There are friendships imprinted in our hearts that will never be diminished by time and distance.”- Dodinsky
120. “That companion who you may not regularly see; however, the second you reconnect feels like yesterday.”
121. “I have no second thoughts. Life destroyed us, yet I’m happy I got the opportunity to consider you my companion.”
122. “Missing her kept him awake more than the coffee.” – John Green
123. “One of the most noticeably terrible things on the planet is to miss your BFF, so return soon.”
124. “I miss my closest companion.”
125. “Missing my companions! Distance + Friendship = Major Miss!”
126. “I need my friend to miss me as long as I miss him.” – Saint Augustine
127. “Sometimes it’s not tied in with missing somebody, and it’s contemplating whether they are missing you.”
128. “You know somebody is very special to you when days just don’t seem right without them.” – John Cena
129. “When you miss somebody… It’s weird … your body doesn’t function normally. As it should be. Because I miss you, and my heart… it’s not steady… my soul it sings numb. Fingers are cold… like you… your soul” – Coco J. Ginger
130. “Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.” – Anaïs Nin
131. “That companion you may not see all the time; however, the second you reconnect feels like yesterday.”
132. “Friendship isn’t about individuals who act consistently with your face. It’s about individuals who stay valid despite your good faith.”
133. “I am summer yearning for a drop of your rain”- Gemma Troy
134. “That’s the worst way to miss somebody. When they’re right beside you and you miss them anyway.”– Pittacus Lore
135. “When you miss someone in your life, just close your eyes and think the things that you do when you are with each another.” – Jeram
136. “We only know our friends worth when they are away from us. I know it now.”
137. “We don’t talk each day, and we don’t see each other regularly; however, I realize that if you’ll be forever my side. I miss my closest companion.”
138. “I miss you right from the sun rises till the sun sets.”
139. “Hey buddy, our group is incomplete without you. Let’s plan a reunion soon.”
140. “My world doesn’t seem to be beautiful as you are not there.”
141. “I love you and miss you the most, buddy. Come back soon.”
142. “Missing somebody gets simpler consistently because even though it’s one day further from the last time you saw one another, it’s one day nearer to the in the future you will.”
143. “When I miss you, sometimes I listen to music or look at pictures of you, not to remind me of you but to make me feel as I’m with you. It makes me forget the distance and capture you”- LeBron James
144. “The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.”- Elizabeth Foley
145. “I am glad to consider you my closest companion, and it doesn’t make any difference what occurs throughout everyday life; I can generally depend on you. I’m feeling honoured because of you. I miss my dearest companion without question.”
146. “Goodbyes are not everlasting; farewells are not the end; they essentially mean I’ll miss you until we meet once more….”
147. “What is the opposite of the two? A lonely me, a lonely you.”- Richard Wilbur
148. “Friendship.. is born at the moment when one man says to another What! You too? I thought that no man but myself.”- C.S. Lewis
149. “Good companions resemble stars; you don’t generally see them, let you know they’re generally there.”
150. “Half of me is missing … and what’s left is missing you.” – Ranata Suzuki
151. “Every individual should track down his specific manner to adapt to grave misfortune, and the solitary occupation of a genuine companion is to work with whatever strategy he picks.”
When you don’t see your friend for quite a while, you miss them. And when you do, let them know about it and make the plans of reunion soon. Keep sharing thoughts with your buddies, whether they are near or far.
Image Credit: freepik
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