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One of the common problems among people with highly active oil glands is acne, which leads to pimples, blemishes, blackheads, whiteheads, and whatnot.
If you have recently started witnessing pimples on stomach, blame it on the clogged hair follicles and collected sebum that are causing it.
There is no denying that acne can come out from any part of the body suddenly. Usually, we experience them on the back, chest, and face, where oil glands secrete more oil and sebum. However, pimples on the stomach are also not uncommon.
Let’s find out what the annoying bumpy appearance on the stomach is and ways to treat it.
Pimple On Stomach- The Causes, Prevention and Treatment
1. Acne
Acne is one of the most common and widespread skin conditions that can affect people regardless of their gender (1). Often, they appear once the person attains puberty and have hormonal changes in the body.
Those with highly active oil glands are prone to getting more pimples. Usually, they affect certain parts of the body, including the following-
- face
- upper arms
- torso
- back
Some people may get pimples on the neck and buttocks as well.
When the oil glands are hyperactive and secrete more sebum, and it is combined with poor skin hygiene, the result is acne pimples. While preventing them completely is not possible, certain preventive measures can be taken to control them.
- Wear loose-fitting clothes to avoid sweating too much
- Wash the area after sweating profusely to keep it clean
- Use high-quality cleansers and other skin care products
- People with sensitive skin should not use products for other skin types
- Do not scrub over acne
- Avoid touching or picking pimples
- Give time for the skin to heal naturally
If you still get pimples on your stomach after following the preventive measures, it is advised not to touch or express them. Picking them in order to remove the pus will push the bacteria and pus further into the skin, making the condition worse. In severe cases, it can lead to infection.
Therefore, visit a dermatologist who will recommend the right topical creams, topical antibiotics, or, in rare cases, hormonal therapy to manage the condition.
2. Ingrown Hair
Every bump that appears on the stomach is not an acne pimple. It could be the result of ingrown hair.
Ingrown hair is hair that curves into the skin and grows back, usually after shaving, tweezing, or waxing (2). Often, they look similar to pimples and confuse people for it being acne.
To confirm that it’s an ingrown hair, look out for symptoms like-
- redness on white skin with a tiny swollen bump that may hurt on touch
- raised and itchy bump with hair trapped under the skin
- a pimple-like appearance with pus inside
When the ingrown hair meets a blocked pore, it starts growing back on itself by growing sideways or curling under the skin.
Ingrown hair on the stomach usually appears on those who remove their hair from the area either by shaving, tweezing, or waxing. Sometimes, they may turn into painful cysts.
You can take the following measures to prevent ingrown hair on the stomach-
- always wet the skin with lukewarm water before shaving
- use a shaving gel that makes the area smooth for easy shaving
- shave in the direction of hair growth
- exfoliate the skin using a gentle scrub to release trapped hair and prevent blocked pores
- instead of shaving, go for hair removal cream on the stomach
- do not shave too close to the skin
Ingrown hair can be gruesome as sometimes it causes pain and develops into cysts. In such cases, the dermatologist suggests topical steroid creams that help reduce skin inflammation and swelling. If there is an infection, the doctor may suggest an antibiotic.
When symptoms such as pus, redness, and swelling are witnessed, cleaning the area, applying topical creams, and taking antibiotics help improve the condition.
3. Folliculitis
Often, something that looks like a pimple on the stomach is actually folliculitis.
It is a skin condition that occurs in hair follicles, appearing like an acne breakout. It can happen anywhere in the skin where the hair follicles are present and usually occurs due to an infected hair follicle (3).
Due to their appearance, folliculitis is often misunderstood to be a pimple on the stomach. However, one can distinguish it by checking if the surrounding area has a dark ring, as it indicates infection.
A few ways that can prevent folliculitis include the following-
- wearing loose-fitted clothes to prevent sweat and friction that cause damage to hair follicles
- using a clean towel to dry the area after bathing and wearing clean clothes
- shaving hair on the stomach in the correct way- in the direction of hair growth
- using well-maintained hot tubs
Usually, folliculitis resolves on its own and doesn’t require any specific treatment. If the person has a healthy immune system, the symptoms of folliculitis will disappear after a few weeks.
However, if it’s still annoying to see such pimples on your stomach, use a warm compress to get some relief. Apply it at least 3 to 4 times a day for 15 minutes.
Besides, the dermatologist will inspect the folliculitis and tell if it is due to bacteria, yeast, or viruses to give the right medication.
When Should You Seek Medical Help For Stomach Pimples?
If the pimple on the stomach is not resolving even after a week or ten days and the condition is worsening, it may be time to visit a dermatologist.
Often, we consider any pimple to be acne; however, in most cases, it is not acne but ingrown hair or folliculitis. An experienced dermatologist can tell what the bumpy growth on the stomach is just by inspecting it visually.
On the basis of diagnosis, you will get the right treatment to get rid of pimples.
A pimple on the stomach could be discomforting due to constant friction from clothes. At the same time, it could be unpleasant to the eyes, especially when you are planning to wear a crop top or dress that shows an open stomach.
It is when getting self-conscious is obvious. Therefore, the best way is to take precautionary measures to prevent the development of pimples on the stomach.
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