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Olive oil has been used since ancient times as a major ingredient while making masks, scrubs, lotions and creams. Due to its miraculous properties, it can not only maintain your skin’s beauty but also give you a younger looking skin. And this is exactly what appeals to the fairer sex. So, if you have not yet tried olive oil for your skin, then we suggest you start using it right now. We assure you , the results will not disappoint you!
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Benefits Of Olive Oil

Olive oil contains oleic acid which prevents the development of cancer and various other diseases. Also, this acid can withdraw bad cholesterol from your body within a short span of time. Olive oil also has a large number of unsaturated fats and fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-3), which help in keeping our body and skin healthy.
Olive oil contains vitamins A, D and E (all-purpose antioxidant) which can aid in preventing skin ageing, the appearance of wrinkles and protect skin from pollution. There are various other essential nutrients and minerals also present in olive oil; all of which help in keeping your skin healthy and blemish-free. Olive oil can be used for burns. With emollient, antibacterial and moisturizing qualities, olive oil is also used for treating burns. But always remember to use virgin olive oil, since other olive oils may contain impurities.
For Taste And Treatment
Though olive oil tastes bitter, many people like it for its exquisite aroma. Did you know that having olive oil on empty stomach helps in improving your metabolism? It also helps in preventing stomach ulcers and getting rid of gastritis. People suffering from constipation problems can also consume olive oil which has laxative properties. Another benefit of this wonder oil is that it can significantly reduce the risk of atherosclerosisdue to the presence of omega-3.The oil is easily digested which makes it is useful for children as well. It also contributes to the formation of dense bone.
How To Choose
- To reap the maximum benefits, you need to know how to choose the right olive oil. The first thing you need to do is read the label carefully and find out what ingredients have been used.
- It should also specify the information on raw materials used.
- If the label indicated that the oil is refined and a heat treatment was carried out (pomace oil), keep in mind that it will be less effective.
- Also, always buy olive oil which come in dark bottles. It is best to avoid glass or plastic bottles since the oil may get oxidised in these bottles.
- Make sure to choose extra virgin oil or virgin olive oil.
Olive Oil For Face And Skin
- Good for the skin wraps with olive oil and sea salt. Oil enriches the skin with vitamins and minerals and the salt will accumulate excess fluid. Recipe to follow: It is desirable to clean the skin before the procedure. Boil 1 cup of water, add 1 cup of salt, stir until it is completely dissolved. Add 1 cup of olive oil, cool and mix them together evenly. Without rubbing, apply to the problem areas. Once the mixture is applied thoroughly, you need to take the plastic wrap and wrap it from top. After 30 minutes, take a shower. These wraps are useful, so they can be carried out both at home and in the salons at least once every week.
- If you have dry scalp, then you can use olive oil. Recipe to follow: Heat the oil in a water bath, set aside. Once cooled, apply to the entire length of the hair and rub into the scalp. Cover with a towel and after 30 minutes rinse your hair with shampoo. After the first treatment, you can see the effect – your hair becomes shinier, softer, silkier and they will not get tangled. You can use this mask four times in a month.
- If you have dry skin you need to wipe your face in the morning and evening with a cotton pad moistened with olive oil. Let the oil stay for about for 20-25 minutes and then rinse with water.
- Olive oil for oily skin would be helpful in removing makeup. In the evening, you need to rinse your face first with water to remove the make-up from the face and eyelids and then apply a thin layer of oil for 10 minutes. Use a cotton ball to remove the oil along with the makeup.
- If you are suffering from chapped lips just apply a thick layer of olive oil before you go to bed in the night. Within a couple of days your chapped lips would be healed.
- To groom and beauty your hands, you can use olive oil. It must be heated in a water bath, add the juice of one lemon, add a little honey and dip your hands in this mixture for 30-40 minutes.
- Lemon juice combined with olive oil can soften rough skin on the feet. Add 3 tbsp. of olive oil with 2 tbsp. of lemon juice, carefully lubricate the foot, and then cover your feet with warm socks and leave for 20-30 minutes.
- Cleansing – it is the easiest and the most important part of your skin care regime. But in order to achieve maximum effect, olive oil should be slightly warmed up. This will help to open and cleanse the pores and give the skin a natural shade.
- It is advisable to wipe the face with warm oil at night before going to sleep and in the morning an hour before you leave the house.
If olive oil regularly lubricate the skin around the eyes, it is possible to achieve the strengthening of thin skin, sufficient moisture, as well as smoothing out unwanted wrinkles. It does not need to grease rubbing the skin around the eyes and leave for 25 minutes, remove the oil with a dry cloth.
Mask Recipes With Olive Oil

- For supple and silky skin, mix 0.5 liters of oil with 400 grams of rose petals, infuse, strain. Add3 tbsp. l. in water and take a bath.
- For rough skin, mix the pulp of avocado with olive oil in the ratio of 1: 1, apply to clean face and body and leave it for 10 minutes. You can remove the mask with a damp cloth.
- For sensitive skin, grind fresh cucumber and half a banana, then add 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and give it a good stir. Apply the mask and leave it for 25 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
- For bleaching, mix equal proportions of olive oil, cheese, carrot juice and milk. Apply a thick layer on the face for 30 min. Wash off the mask with warm, then cold water, wipe dry with a towel.
- For oily skin, take 100 g of crushed leaves of cabbage and mix it with 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Apply on face and body for 20 minutes.
- For skin problems, mix 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and 2 tbsp. l. slurry from any fruit. Apply on a clean face and leave it for 15 min. Rinse with warm water.
- For combination skin, take some olive oil and mix it with watermelon pulp in the ratio of 1: 1. Apply this mixture on the skin and leave it for 30 min. Use a damp cloth to remove the paste.
- For normal skin, take 1 tbsp. l. flour (rice, oat or wheat), pour 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, mix well to form a paste. Apply gently on the face and neck for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm, then cold water.
Olive Oil During Pregnancy
- Doctors recommend using olive oil for the first few months of pregnancy to prevent stretch marks. To do this, you must apply the oil on the abdomen and chest after taking a shower at least two times a day.
- Vitamins contained in the oil, prevent termination of pregnancy.
- Oil is able to control hunger, which in turn will make it possible to maintain a normal weight.
- It helps to avoid problems of late toxicosis.
- Olive oil does not cause allergies and it also contributes in easy disclosure of the uterus during childbirth.
Olive Oil Contraindications
Even with such a storehouse of vitamins and natural gift, olive oil has its drawbacks and contraindications.
- Do not use olive oil, if you have cholecystitis. At the slightest inflammation of the gallbladder, olive oil can be harmful as it has a strong choleretic effect.
- People who are overweight are advised to have no more than 1 tbsp. l. per day, as olive oil contains enough calories.
- Pay attention to the acidity of the oil, it should not exceed 0.8%.
- And most importantly – always measure the intake. Excessive use of olive oil becomes useful and harmful.
Now that you know the benefits of using olive oil and different mask recipes, it’s time to stock up your kitchen cabinet with a good bottle of extra virgin oil.
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