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In the current world, it is increasingly becoming a fact that you must take responsibility for your own weight by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Medical research has revealed that a healthy lifestyle can hold back the aging process by as much as thirty years. Having the required body mass index is the cornerstone to a healthy lifestyle. Weight lose through the following ten morning habits will enable you to achieve the optimum weight for a healthy lifestyle.
Top 10 Morning Habits to Lose Weight
1. Start your Day with a Protein-Rich Breakfast
Scientific study has shown that a good breakfast helps you to become less irritable, more efficient and more energetic.A good breakfast, by the way provides you with one third of your day’s calories requirements.Most important is to have a protein rich breakfast, this helps in preventing food cravings that may make you have unplanned snacks and lead to increased weight gain.Start your day with protein-rich breakfast and you will find that your appetite is minimal and incidences of food cravings are reduced.A protein-rich breakfast suppresses the secretion of ghrelin, a hormone that increases your appetite for food.
2. Take Lots of Water

Your body is 70 percent water, and your kidney processes more than 47 gallons of water in it in a day.Water to the body is like oil to a vehicle, it makes your body to use more calories efficiently.The more calories your body uses the less that are available for increased weight gain.Taking water in the morning is exactly what your body needs to carry out its life processes efficiently and hence help reduce weight.
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3. Check your Weight in the Morning
The bathroom scale reveals our eating and exercising habits.It can also, for the better or worse predict our health in coming years.Taking a look at your weight in the morning helps you adapt eating habits and behavior that gear you towards weight loss.
4. Have a Kiss from the Sun
In proper amounts, the sun’s rays are good for weight loss.With sunshine, the body is able to manufacture vitamin D, which prevents you from gaining weight.Sunlight also helps lower blood cholesterol that is important for a healthy heart.Having a daily dose of morning sunshine is important for weight loss.You must understand your own tolerance to sunshine.Fair-skinned people and redheads should have less exposure to sunshine per day compared to darker-skinned people.On average up to 30 minutes exposure daily is healthy.
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5. Observe Mindfulness
A good mental state and a healthy body are intertwined.Train your thoughts on what is at hand and be aware of your feelings.This will help you a great deal to reduce your weight.Thoughts and emotions directly influence the mind, which in turn powerfully affects your body weight.In the morning, make it a habit to locate to a quite place and wire in to your senses.
6. Have Morning Workouts

Regular morning exercises are an important ingredient for effective weight loss.Morning exercises help in maintaining desirable weight levels.It burns muscles and fat.Moderate exercise blunts appetite by temporarily increasing blood sugar levels.
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7. Plan and Pack Your Lunch
When going to work, make it a point to plan your lunch in the morning.This will ensure you maintain healthy eating habits that will assist you to lose weight.Planning you lunch will prevent you from preparing lunch hurriedly which may make you eat a less healthy lunch.
8. Get Enough Sleep
Resting is an important part of life’s rhythm.Most adults do best with seven hours of rest each night.Sleep helps your body to replenish itself.Wastes products removed, repairs effected, enzymes are replenished.This makes your body to be more efficient and reduce food cravings that may lead to weight gain.
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9. Let Go of your Personal Car
Regular use walking or use of public transport helps you in keeping your weight in check.This is unlike use of personal vehicles which is not exerting on the body and encourages weight gain.Using your bike to go work is also a big plus.Walking or biking assists your body to burn more calories hence effective weight control is achievable.
10. Inventory Keeping of Your Diet
Keep a record of the food in your diet.This will assist you to carefully monitor the amount of calories you are taking.Knowing the amount of calorie intake will assist you to make healthy food choice and hence control your weight.Healthy weight loss is not an overnight affair.There is no magic bullet for instant weight loss.Be kind to yourself.It takes time to adapt to a new way of eating and living.Be patient, you are making a long-term investment in yourself. Keep going.
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