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Silybummarianum is the scientific name of milk thistle is a typical weed grown in California, which is then turned into extract or supplement forming pure milk thistle. This amazing natural remedy is being used for more than 2,000 years and people can experience immediate results. The herb is a member of Asteraceae plant family, which the similar group of sunflowers and daisies. Let us read to know how effective is milk thistle for liver problems.(1)
Does Milk Thistle Help in Liver Treatment?

- Milk thistle is a natural herb, which works as an antioxidant and thus you can improve your liver health enjoying a good way of life.
- It eliminates the toxins from your body and thus you can stay fit all the time with your liver functioning perfectly.
- Milk thistle is prescribed medication in Europe that helps people there to lead a better lifestyle.
- It reverses the harmful effects of alcohol consumption protecting your liver from any bad impacts.(2)
How to Use Milk Thistle for Liver Repair?
Milk thistle can be used as an individual drink or you can mix it with milk or green tea that helps you to feel refreshed. In this, you can heal your liver naturally that gives you the confidence t go ahead in life.
1. Dandelion and Milk Thistle
Dandelion is natural supplement rich in Vitamin A, B complex, C and D as well as it consists of minerals, potassium and zinc that makes it one of the best antioxidants. Dandelion and milk thistle can be bought separately and you can mix the extracts making a thick paste.(3)
You’ll need:
- dandelion
- milk thistle
- cold water
- sugar (Optional)
Preparation time: 5 to 10 minutes.
- Take both the dandelion and milk thistle extracts in equal amount and use cold water preparing the mixture.
- You can purchase the fresh or dried extracts according to your needs that would aid you to prepare the mixture easily.
- If you wish you can add a pinch of sugar to the mixture that would add a nice flavor and you can drink without any difficulties.
When to use: It’s good to drink the dandelion and milk thistle complex in the morning that would help you to start your day a fresh.
Precaution: If you think you are allergic to any one of the ingredients consult your physician before you start using.
2. Turmeric and Milk Thistle

- Turmeric kills the enzymes, which cause inflammation and pain reducing stress on your liver.
- Turmeric carries out Phase II detoxification helping your liver to break enzymes easily eliminating toxins and other wastes from your body.
- Alongside, the drink improves bile production, which helps in good digestion enhancing your immunity that gives you the courage to win challenges in life.
You’ll need:
- 1 tablespoon of turmeric
- 1 ½ tablespoon of milk thistle
- water
- sugar
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
- Take 1 tablespoon of turmeric and 1 ½ tablespoon of milk thistle to prepare the juice.
- Add little water and sugar and the drink is ready now.
- It helps in regenerating liver functions detoxifying your body as well as it works as a good anti-inflammatory agent.
- Mix the ingredients well forming the thick paste or mixture and you can now heal your liver naturally.
When to use: You can drink it at night time before going to bed that helps your liver to get healed easily.
How Often you can Use: It’s good to have the drink thrice in a week to see best results.
Precaution: If you face any other health problem while consuming the drink seek immediate medical attention to avoid any serious complications, which may lead to extreme damage.(3)
3. Vitamin E and Milk Thistle
Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant that helps you to heal your liver from certain damages.
You’ll need:
- 3-4 drops of vitamin E oil
- 1 tablespoon of milk thistle
- tea or a glass of milk
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
- You can mix Vitamin E with milk thistle that would serve as an effective natural remedy helping your liver to function properly.
- Take 3-4 drops of vitamin E oil with 1 tablespoon of milk thistle.
- You can mix it with tea or a glass of milk that would help you to consume the medication easily.
- Once, you take a sip you would feel relaxing after consuming the drink that enables you to comprehend real time benefits.
When to use: You can enjoy the refreshing drink in the morning at breakfast table that gives you the ultimate poise exploring a better health.
How often You can Use: Wondering what’s the dosage? No worries! If you wish you can add the ingredients daily with tea or milk.
Precaution: If you feel the ingredients are causing any bad impacts on your health, stop taking the drink and consult with an expert physician.
4. Milk Thistle Tea
Milk thistle tea from the Mediterranean is being used for detoxification and is widely known for it’s cleansing power.(4)
- Drinking milk thistle tea daily helps in regenerating liver cells that improves the overall liver function.
- It also balances hormone production that helps your entire body to function properly.
- It cleanses your liver completely that increases the strength and also it heals oxidative damage helping you to explore a better health.
- You can thus stay away from those harmful toxins effective your liver’s function.
- In addition, milk thistle tea helps in treating certain liver diseases like fatty liver syndrome, cirrhosis, jaundice, hepatitis and possibly liver cancer.
You’ll need:
- milk thistle extract
- water
- sugar
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
- Take some fresh milk thistle extracts and boil it with water and sugar.
- Then pour it in a container and you can enjoy the soothing drink, which takes care of your liver health.
Tip: Sometimes, milk thistle seeds are roasted that are used as coffee substitute preparing an amazing morning drink.
When to use: The best time to drink milk thistle tea is morning. You can also have it at night time that can help you to sleep well.
How often You can Use: You can enjoy milk thistle tea daily.
Precaution: Usually, milk thistle tea won’t cause any side effects. Still, if you face any complication approach your doctor for help.
How Much Milk Thistle to Take to Repair Liver?
Basically, it depends on one’s condition. Usually the supplements contain 80%of milk thistle and some high quality products contain 95% of the original herb. An individual with normal health can take 140-800mg of milk thistle per day to treat fatty liver naturally.(5)
Best Milk Thistle Supplement for Liver
Make sure the milk thistle supplement contains 80% of the herb and it has undergone proper laboratory testing. And while buying you must go through the ingredients present ensuring that it’s the best milk thistle supplement for liver.
How Long to Take Milk Thistle for Liver Cleanse?
It may take 3-4 months for the entire liver cleanse depending on the dosage. So, you need to consult with your physician knowing the right dosage and time to complete the cleansing process.
Liver damages from drugs and toxins mainly. Milk Thistle is a natural remedy for liver related problems. It can be jaundice, hepatitis, gallbladder disorders or any. Along with liver benefits, Milk Thistle also benefits heart, diabetic patients, cancer, skin related problems and several other body issues.
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