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A word of concern is not to explode your white heads with your hand, as that will make worse your difficulty, causing skin complaint, disease and even blemishing. Whiteheads are very ordinary people who encompass oily skin tone. Other causes comprise harmful diet, pressure, spots, smoking and impure face. The indications are comparable to those of acne spots, only dissimilarity is that white heads are not sore. Whiteheads are simple to take away by using these methods. Let us read to know how to get rid of whiteheads naturally at home.
What are Whiteheads?

Whiteheads just spoil your looks. Whiteheads are more ordinary with the populace with fatty skin. They are more widespread with those who are undergoing hormonal altercations, like adolescents and expectant women.
Whiteheads are a shape of acne. Just akin to inflammation and blackheads, they are caused by blocking pores. The sebaceous glands create oil to dampen your pelt. When there is extreme sebum emission, oil constructs up within the pores all along with dust and dead coat cells. This intent oil enlarges and turns into a white abscess and is recognized as a whitehead. They typically are of white or yellowish in color, as they are not uncovered to oxygen like the blackheads are. They usually occur on our nose, cheek fillet cheek and have an effect on both women and men through teen years and further than.
How to Get Rid of Whiteheads Naturally
Do you want to get rid of these unwanted clogs? Are you unhappy with this unhygienic way you look? Fight whiteheads successfully by following these remedies.
1. Turmeric for Whiteheads

You’ll need
- 2 tablespoons of turmeric powder
- 1 tablespoon of rose water
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to do
- Mix turmeric powder in rose water to make smooth paste
- Apply this on your whiteheads area wait for 10 to 15 minutes
- Finally wash off with cold water
Repetitions: Repeat this home remedy every alternate day for few weeks.
[ Read: Turmeric Face Mask Benefits ]
2. Baking Soda for Whiteheads
You’ll need
- water
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to do
- Mix baking soda and water to make a smooth paste
- Apply this paste on affected area
- Gently massage with your fingers in circular motion
- Wait for 5 minutes then wash it off
Repetitions: Do this remedy at least 1 to 2 times a week.
[ Read: Benefits of Baking Soda Face Mask ]
3. Aloe Vera for Whiteheads
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
How to do
- Extract the gel from aloe vera leaf
- Mix honey and aloe vera gel thoroughly
- Apply this mixture on whiteheads area with your fingers
- wait for 20 to 30 minutes then wash off with water
Repetitions: Do this method daily for few weeks.
4. Lemon Juice for Whiteheads
You’ll need
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to apply
- Cut the lemon and squeeze out the juice in a bowl
- Apply lemon juice directly on the affected area
- Gently massage the area few minutes and pat dry
Repetitions: Follow this method 2 to 3 times a week.
[ Read: Homemade Lemon Face Mask ]
5. Tea Tree oil for Whiteheads
Things you required
- tea tree oil
- water
- cotton swab
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to do
- Dip a cotton swab in tea tree oil
- dab it on affected area for few minutes
- let it sit for 30 minutes then wash off with cold water.
Repetitions: Do this remedy 1 to 2 times a week.
Note: If you have sensitive skin dip the cotton swab in water after dip in tea tree oil.
[ Read: How to Treat Acne with Tea Tree oil ]
6. Apple Cider Vinegar for Whiteheads
You’ll need
- 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
- 8 ounces of warm water
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to do
- Mix apple cider vinegar with warm water thoroughly
- Apply this mixture directly to the affected area
- leave it on for 20 minutes then wash this off
Repetitions: Repeat this remedy every day.
Note: If you face any irritation and burning sensation do not use this method.
7. Egg White for Whiteheads
You’ll need
- 1 egg
- cotton swab
Preparation time: 3 minutes
How to do
- Break the egg and separate egg white in a bowl
- Apply egg white on whiteheads are using cotton swab
- Wait for few minutes until it becomes dry
- when it dry wash it off
Repetitions: Do this 2 to 3 times a week.
8. Oatmeal for Whiteheads
You’ll need
- oatmeal
- 1 cup of unflavored yogurt
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
How to do
- Mix oatmeal and yogurt to make a paste
- Apply this paste on affected area as a face mask
- Wait for 20 minutes then rinse with warm water and then with cold water
Repetitions: Do this method twice a week.
[ Read: Oatmeal Face Mask ]
9. Garlic for Whiteheads
You’ll need
- garlic cloves
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to do
- Cut the garlic cloves and extract the juice
- Gently rub this juice on affected area with your fingers
- Let sit for 30 minutes then wash if off
Repetitions: Repeat this method twice a week.
10. Strawberries for Whiteheads
You’ll need
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- 2 or 3 strawberries
Preparation time: 3 minutes.
How to apply
- Mash strawberries with fork or spoon to make a thick paste
- Add honey to this paste and mix well
- Apply the mixture as a mask on your face or affected area
- wait for 10 to 15 minutes then wash off with normal water
Repetitions: Do this method 2 to 3 times a week.
11. Tomato for Whiteheads
You’ll need
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to do
- Cut the tomato into two remove the seeds and gently rub inside of the fruit on affected area
- Wait for 30 to 40 minutes then wash it off with lukewarm water
Repetitions: Repeat this procedure every day for a couple of weeks.
[ Read: Tomato Face Mask Benefits ]
12. Potato for Whiteheads
You’ll need
- raw potato
- cotton swab
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
How to do
- Firstly wash the potatoes thoroughly with clean water
- Peel the potatoes skin and cut the potatoes into small pieces
- Put the pieces in a juicer and strain the juice.
- Rub the potato juice on the affected area using cotton swab
- wait 20 to 30 minutes then rinse off with lukewarm water
Repetitions: Follow this method every day for few weeks.
13. Milk for Whiteheads
You’ll need
- 2 tablespoons of milk
- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon of salt
Preparation time: 3 minutes.
How to do
- Mix all the ingredients well in a bowl
- apply this mixture on affected area and massage in circular motion
- let sit for 20 minutes and then wash of with cold water
Repetitions: Do this remedy 2 to 3 times in a week.
14. Gram Flour for Whiteheads
Things you required
- gram flour
- 1 tablespoon of unrefined milk or rose water
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to apply
- Mix gram flour with unrefined milk or rose water to make a paste
- Apply paste on whiteheads area as a face mask and let it dry
- once dry the mask wash off with cool water
Repetitions: Repeat this method regularly for few weeks.
15. Facial Steaming for Whiteheads
How to do
- Take hot boiling water in a large bowl.
- Add essential oil in Water like lemon, mint etc.
- Put large towel on the face and take the steam onto your face for 15 minutes.
- You will start seeing that the pores are weekend.
- Now just pop out the white heads with help of towel or whitehead remover.
Repetitions: Follow this method once a week.
16. Oatmeal Scrub for Whiteheads
It becomes important to give your face a gentle scrub and supply nutrients to the skin to make it healthy. Here’s an oat meal scrub which would help you in eradicating white heads easily.
How to do
- Add oatmeal and honey in equal quantity.
- Make it into a consistency that suits you by adding milk.
- Apply it for 10 min.
- Apply it in circular motion upwards.
- Let it dry.
- Wash it with Luke warm water.
Tip: You can also add kaolin clay which has additional benefits. This clay is antibacterial and has detoxifying properties.
Eating and Drinking Habits
- To keep your skin healthy, do not consume alcohol or smoke. This blocks the skin and creates dead skin.
- Include fruits, Milkshakes, leafy veggies in your diet to nourish your skin and prevent pores blockage.
- Water creates wonders. Hydrate your skin and body as frequently as possible. Hydrating skin leaves you fresh healthy and clean.
- Take vitamin E and C supplements for clean and clear skin.
- Cleanliness plays an important role in preventing whiteheads. Always clean your face before you apply any formula on your skin.
- Change pillow covers as frequently as possible, Eat lot of fruits and leafy vegetables, Use water base beauty products as your skin is oily, keep your hair and face clean, wash your face with face wash that suits you twice a day.
Things To Remember
- Always check the ingredients before you apply any formula. See to it that you are not allergic to it.
- Keep your nails and face clean and hygienic to avoid white heads.
- Keep yourselves hydrated.
- Organic materials give best results. Use it whenever possible.
- When you apply makeup, just remove it when not required because it clogs pores which further turn into white heads.
- Astringents and toners helps in easy removals of white heads.
- Clean up and facials given in beauty salons help too
Whiteheads symbolizes dirt and ugliness on face. Use the above home remedies for whiteheads and keep your skin smooth and healthy.
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