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Moles are a part and parcel of our body which often end up as beauty spots and identification marks. Now as long as they are smooth and lie flat against our skin, we don’t really get bothered with them, however, it becomes bother some when they are coarse and raised against the skin. That’s when it stops becoming a beauty spot and rather becomes an ugly spot. And nobody likes that, right! So as always, we are here to help you in making your body mole-free. Let us read to know how to get rid of moles naturally at home.
Article Contains
How to Get Rid of Moles Naturally
- Apple Cider Vinegar for Mole Removal
- Castor oil for Mole Removal
- Banana Peel for Mole Removal
- Tea Tree oil for Mole Removal
- Onion Juice for Mole Removal
- Lemon Juice for Mole Removal
- Garlic for Mole Removal
- Iodine for Mole Removal
- Honey for Mole Removal
- Potato for Mole Removal
- Best And Effective Mole Removal Cream
How to Get Rid of Moles Naturally
These tried and tested natural remedies, when used over a period of time will surely make those so-called beauty spots vanish!
1. Apple Cider Vinegar for Mole Removal
The anti-inflammatory properties of apple cider vinegar help in removing the mole by slowly burning them which in turn causes it to scab and fall off. If you are worried about any secondary infections, then relax as the antibacterial properties will take care of that for you.
You’ll need:
- apple cider vinegar
- cotton ball
- bandage
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to do:
- Take a small amount of apple cider vinegar and dip a cotton ball in acv solution
- Apply on moles and then cover with bandage wait for atleast 2 hours
- Finally remove the bandage and rinse off with water
Repetitions: Follow this regime every day and you will see effective results in about 10-12 days.
Note: Before you try this remedy, make sure you are not allergic to apple cider vinegar.
2. Castor oil for Mole Removal
Baking soda and castor oil – these two common kitchen ingredients can help you in getting rid of your moles. Castor oil not only stops the pathological growth but also reduces the recurrence of scars. This is another remedy which has to be followed for a month.
You’ll need:
- baking soda
- 3-4 drops of castor oil
- bandage
Preparation time: 5 minutes.
How to do:
- Make a paste by mixing one teaspoon of baking soda and 3-4 drops of castor oil.
- Apply this paste on your moles cover the area with a bandage
- Leave it over night then wash it off next morning.
Repetitions: Follow this process daily.
[ Read: How to Use Castor oil for Mole Removal ]
3. Banana Peel for Mole Removal
You’ll need:
- banana peel
- tape or bandage
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to do:
- Take a banana peel cut into small pieces
- Place a banana peel on moles (inside of the peel facing the mole)
- Cover the area with tape or bandage leave it overnight
- Next morning remove the bandage gently wash the area with water
Repetitions: Follow this process daily till moles are vanished.
4. Tea Tree oil for Mole Removal
If you have raised moles with shallow roots, then this would be an best treatment for you to get rid of them.
You’ll need:
- tea tree oil
- cotton swab
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to do:
- Dip a cotton swab in tea tree oil
- Gently Wipe the mole and surrounding area with the cotton swab
- Keep cotton swab on moles as long as possible
Repetitions: Repeat this method 2 to 3 times in day.
Note: Tea tree oil is also not suitable for all skin types. So do a sample patch and see if your skin is comfortable or not and only then go ahead with this remedy.
[ Read: How to Use Tea Tree oil for Skin Tags ]
5. Onion Juice for Mole Removal
You’ll need:
- onions
- cotton ball
Preparation time: 3 minutes.
How to do:
- Squeeze out juice from onions
- Apply this juice directly on the moles using your fingers/cotton ball
- wait for 20 to 30 minutes then rinse off with water
Repetitions: Repeat this process twice in a day.
6. Lemon Juice for Mole Removal
You’ll need:
- Lemons
- Cotton ball
- tape or bandage
Preparation time: 4 minutes.
How to do:
- Squeeze out the juice from lemons in a small bowl
- Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice place it on the moles
- Cover the area with bandage or tape
- Leave it over night next morning remove the bandage and rinse the area with water
Repetitions: Follow this process regularly.
7. Garlic for Mole Removal
Yes, This basic kitchen ingredient is an effective home remedy to fix your mole issues. The anomalous cell structures that take the form of a mole are broken down by the enzymes present in garlic. You can try the below remedy but if you feel a burning sensation, then it’s better to avoid this remedy.
You’ll need:
- garlic cloves
- bandage
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to do:
- Crush garlic cloves to make a smooth paste
- Apply this paste on moles and cover the mole with medical bandage
- leave it overnight finally wash it with water next day.
Repetitions: Do this remedy every night for a few weeks.
[ Read: Garlic for Mole Removal ]
8. Iodine for Mole Removal
A 5% solution of iodine is what you need to eliminate your ugly moles. This is possible because iodine can trigger cell death which will also prevent the re-occurrence of moles and any infection. Remember that you should never, ever ingest iodine!
You’ll need:
- iodine
- petroleum jelly
- bandage
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to do:
- First step is to wash the affected area with some lukewarm water.
- Next, gently scratch the surface of the mole with an emery board.
- Protect the surrounding area from pigmentation by applying petroleum jelly.
- Now you will have to add a drop of iodine exactly on the mole.
- Cover the area with a bandage.
Repetitions: Follow this process in your daily regime for a few weeks.
9. Honey for Mole Removal
You’ll need:
- organic honey
- bandage
Preparation time: 2 minutes.
How to do:
- Take a small amount of honey and apply it on the moles
- Cover the are with bandage
- wait for an hour then remove the bandage rinse the area with water
Repetitions: Follow this remedy 2 to 3 times in a day (Use new bandage every time).
10. Potato for Mole Removal
You’ll need:
- potato
- kitchen knife
Preparation time: 3 minutes.
How to do:
- Take a potato and cut into small pieces
- Take a potato piece rub directly on the mole for 3 to 5 minutes
- pat dry the juice on skin
Repetitions: Do this process regularly.
Now that you have all the first hand information on how to get rid of those ugly moles, go ahead and try out these remedies and let us know how you fared.
Best And Effective Mole Removal Cream
1. PURITO Centella Unscented Serum for face | Buy On Amazon |
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