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Certain growths on the skin which are harmless are termed warts and are caused because of HPV or human papillomavirus infection. Though they can disappear on their own, it takes a very long time. The worst part is that these are contagious. There are various medical treatments such as freezing, surgery, chemical peel treatment, or laser surgery. There are certain treatments which can be done at home also.
Home Remedies for Warts
Here are some easy home remedies which you can try to get rid of warts:
1. Garlic

Its medicinal properties are long known to cure skin issues such as corns, keloid scars, or psoriasis. Besides this, it is also useful against warts and other bacterial or fungal infections. Allicin is the primary component in it having microbial effects which suppress the enzymes present in the harmful pathogens.
How to use:
- Mix a crushed garlic clove with water and apply on the wart.
- This needs to be covered with a bandage and repeated 3-4 times a week.
- Garlic juice application or just rubbing a garlic clove on the wart also works for some.
[ Read: How to Use Coconut oil for Warts ]
2. Castor oil
This has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial characteristics because of which it is a good remedy for warts and other similar skin issues.
How to use:
- Every day apply castor oil on the wart to notice visible changes.
- In 2-3 weeks, you can get rid of the wart.
3. Vitamin C
This is an immunity booster and has healing properties too. It is believed to be healthy for the skin and fight HPV too.
How to use:
- Mix some vitamin C tablets in water by crushing them.
- This paste needs to be applied to the wart, covered with a bandage, and left overnight. Follow this daily.
- Lemon juice can also be used with vitamin C tablets but some may experience skin irritation by using the mixture.
[ Read: How to Prevent Warts with Oregano oil ]
4. Aloe Vera

This is a good way of treating burns, psoriasis, or painful/ itchy waters owing to the capability to fight with pathogens along with viruses.
How to use:
- Fresh aloe vera gel can be removed from the aloe vera plant and applied to the wart.
- This needs to be done every day for visible results.
[ Read: How to Use Tea Tree oil for Warts ]
5. Potato
It is believed that a wart can be dehydrated using potato juice. This has not yet been verified by concrete studies.
How to use:
- A potato needs to be cut in half and the open end has to be rubbed on the wart.
- Ensure that the juice covers the wart completely.
- This should be done twice every day.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
It is believed to act like salicylic acid used for treating warts for peeling away the infected skin. Its antimicrobial characteristics help in fighting HPV but need further studies.
How to use it:
- 2 parts of apple cider vinegar need to be mixed with a part of water.
- Apply this on warts using a cotton ball and cover it with a bandage,
- This needs to be left for 3-4 hours.
Note: Make sure to apply undiluted apple cider vinegar on open wounds as it will lead to irritation.
7. Orange Peel

The use of orange peel is not backed up by enough scientific studies for wart treatment but can be tried as it is inexpensive.
How to use it:
- Rub an orange peel on the wart once every day.
- If it works, you will notice the wart’s color darkens and it will fall off in 2-3 weeks.
8. Dandelion Weed
This has been used as a medicine in middle eastern countries and ancient Chinese people. The sap or milk of this weed is believed to treat warts and other skin issues. Some studies on animals show the weed’s antimicrobial characteristics. Also, the extract of these weeds is believed to support the production of collagen, reduce inflammation of the skin as well as irritation.
How to use it:
- Squeeze out some white sap from dandelion and apply it to the wart.
- Do this twice a day for two weeks to see results.
- Avoid using dandelions that have chemicals sprayed on them.
9. Pineapple
It has a mixture of enzymes named bromelain which helps in digesting proteins in the HPV. Still, there is no concrete evidence regarding its effectiveness.
How to use it:
- Use pineapple juice to soak the wart or else apply fresh juice on it daily to check if it works.
10. Banana Peel

It has potassium which is thought to fight HPV. This treatment is not backed by enough scientific studies.
How to use it:
- Rub the inner part of a banana peel on the wart daily to see if it works.
11. Aspirin
Salicylic acid is its primary ingredient which is often found in over-the-counter drugs available for treating warts. This acid peels off the infected skin and thus you can get rid of the wart.
How to use it:
- Make a paste of aspirin and water by crushing the tablets and apply it to the wart.
- This has to be covered with a bandage and left overnight.
12. Vitamin E
This enhances immunity and increases the reaction of the body to HPV though there are insufficient claims supporting this.
How to use it:
- Apply the vitamin E oil after on the wart puncturing the capsule.
- Leave it overnight by covering it with a bandage.
13. Tea Tree oil
This has antimicrobial characteristics because of which it is useful for the treatment of skin issues like acne, and other infections. The antiviral properties help in getting rid of warts.
How to use it:
- Apply diluted tea tree oil on the wart. For dilution 2 drops of it can be mixed with 12 drops of almond or castor oil.
- Use a cotton ball to apply it on the wart, 2-3 times every day.
- In case of irritation, further dilution might be needed.
14. Honey Bee Propolis
Propolis is a resin-like substance produced by honey bees. It has beeswax, bee enzymes, and plant substances. Studies reveal its antimicrobial characteristics which help in fighting HPV.
How to use it:
- Apply propolis on the wart and cover it with a bandage. It must be left overnight.
- The propolis can also be consumed for better immunity.
Final Words:
Most of the home remedies we have mentioned above are inexpensive compared to the medical treatments and harmless, so you can try them, though there is no assurance that they would be 100% effective in getting rid of warts. In case of extreme conditions, it is needed to consult the doctor.
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