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Every woman desire to have such a nice and smoothly toned back. In case you have put on some pounds, then you will realize that the back is the place excessive fats are stored. This actually will make you grow in some embarrassing shapes and it will be better if you consider seeking immediate advice about it.
Best Workouts To Reduce Back Fat For Women
1. Reverse Fly
This is among the exercise that normally targets the shoulders and the upper back as you can use barbells to build muscles.
How to do:
- Start by lying down on an inclined flat bench with both your stomach and chest pressing against the bench.
- Carry along dumbbells in each hand. Extend your arms to make them perpendicular to the bench angle in front of you.
- At this time, legs need to be stationary as you keep applying pressure with your toes ball.
- Maintain this posture as you move the weights outwards and also away in an arc motion as you breathe out.
- Ensure you elevate the arms till they remain parallel to the floor. Do all this till you feel the contraction and then you lower the weights back down slowly while breathing into the starting position
- Repeat these some other time.
How it Benefits: When performing this workout, you will be strengthening the posterior muscles and in turn, it will save your back problem.
[ Read: Best Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat ]
2. Standing Twist
This is a workout that works on our core muscles and also reduces back fat for women.
How to do:
- Begin by standing using the knees in a slight possible manner while holding a dumbbell at the level of the chest.
- You need to keep your entire pelvis stable as still you keep rotating the rib cage left and right.
- Repeat this till you complete three sets of each containing 30 reps.
How it Benefits: The rotational force that is applied is a good idea as it helps stabilize the back load and thereby increasing one’s performance and stability.
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3. Seated Cable Row Exercise
This is the best exercise to not only help improve your body posture but also helps reduce back fat.
How to do:
- To do this exercise, you first need to get access to a low pulley row device that has a V-shaped bar.
- To perform it, begin by sitting down on this device and ensure you have placed the feet on the crossbar or even front platform.
- Next, lean over and over again as you maintain an alignment that is natural to your back and get a hold on the V-shaped handles.
- Make your arms extended then try to pull back till the torso comes to an angle of 90 degrees right from the legs.
- Maintain the torso in a stationary manner as you keep pulling back the handles as you keep your arms close till the abdominals are touched.
- This movement needs to be performed while deeply breathing out as you squeeze hard the back muscles.
- This should be held for like a second then you come back to the original position.
How it Benefits: This exercise helps you engage the abs and make use of the legs as you keep the back in a straight manner and thereby at the end reduce some significant amount of back fat.
[Read: Ab Workouts for Women ]
4. Wide Grip Lat Pull Down
How to do:
- Start this by sitting down on a flat bench as you face a cable machine that is adjustable with a lat pull down bar placed right on a high setting.
- Keep your back straight then follow with an overhand grip to grab your bar as you maintain the arms extended fully and the hands like about two times the width of the shoulder apart.
- After doing all that, pull the blades of your shoulder back and down as you bring the bar towards the chest.
- It is time to pause and come back to the starting position.
How it Benefits: While doing this workout, you will greatly target the back muscles to not only help you develop a better posture but also reduce back fats.
[ Read: Exercises to Get Rid of Flabby Arms ]
5. One Arm Dumbbell Row
How to do:
- You need to look for a dumbbell weighing between 15 to 25 pounds.
- Bend the knees as you stand with a width of a feet hip apart and then try shifting your hips back as you also lower the portion on the upper part of the body till it comes nearly parallel with the level of the ground.
- Follow by placing the right hand on the wall just at the front of the balance.
- While holding the weight, draw it up towards the chest as you try bending the left elbows upwards straight.
- While doing all this, ensure that the shoulder blades are kept together and down.
- For this, it is recommended to attain at least 10 reps at each side.
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6. Bent Over Row
How to do:
- Begin by placing one of your knees on a flat bench as you maintain the lower leg lie flat on the bench.
- Your hands should be placed on the knees side on the bench as you lean over. Get a hold on a dumbbell and try placing it on the bench.
- Next, follow by tensing the lat on just similar side as the arm that holds the dumbbell.
- Start by raising it slowly till the elbow attains an angle of 90 degrees and the upper arm becomes parallel to the floor.
- You are done, let it down as you rest on the bench and you would have completed one rep.
How it Benefits: Increased exercise and muscle mass are the sources of increased metabolism rate on burning calories.Increased rate of burning calories leads to reduced excess stored fats at the back.
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7. Seal Jacks
How to do:
- Begin this workout with the arms pointed straight just in front and locked out. The feet should at this time be together.
- Next, follow by jumping up in the air as you spread the arms and feet almost at the same time. You should land on the ground with the feet spread out and then make to jump up as you bring the hands and feet together.
How it Benefits: Helps in relieving stress in the back muscles and thereby reduce excessive stored fats at the back.
[ Read: Beginner Exercises to Lose Belly Fat ]
8. Superwoman Locust
How to do:
- Start the workout by lying with the legs together on your belly. The fingers should be laced right behind the back.
- Lift your upper body, the legs, your arms, and the head while breathing in. Stay this way for at least five breaths before you release to the original position.
- Carry out three sets of this in 12 reps.
How it Benefits: Helps strengthening the spine backs, and buttocks muscles bringing about reduced back fats.
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