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For most of the people, moles on their skin are usually an unwanted and irritating thing. The appropriate use of castor oil in combination with several other ingredients helps to effectively remove moles. Let us read to know how to use castor oil for moles.
Does Castor oil Work for Moles?
Castor oil definitely works to cure moles because it functions to cause spreading of a pathological build up by gradually dissolving the cells and tissues. The oil is easily absorbed through the skin and this fact lets it to be used as a quick acting natural ingredient.
How to Use Castor oil for Moles
Castor Oil can either be used alone or in combination with several natural ingredients for treating moles.
1. Castor oil and Baking Soda for Moles:
- 1 tablespoon of baking soda
- 2 tablespoons of castor oil
- 1 cotton gauge
- 1 cup of water
Preparation Time: 5-10 mins.
- Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of castor oil into a bowl.
- Gently apply it over the moles.
- Cover the area around moles with a cotton gauge and then leave it for few hours or you can also overnight.
- Untie this gauge and rinse it off the area by a cup of water.
How it works: Baking soda owns antifungal, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that benefit to address moles created by fungal infections.
Repetitions: Repeat this remedy once daily until the mole disappears totally.
Best time to apply: Before going to bed.
Tips: It is advised to choose cold-pressed pure castor oil because it owns maximum healthful properties.
[ Read: Castor Oil and Baking Soda for Moles ]
2. Castor oil and Dish Soap for Moles
- 2 tablespoons of castor oil
- 1 tablespoon of dish soap
- A tub filled with one gallon of water
Preparation Time: 5 mins.
- Mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil with 1 tablespoon of dish soap.
- Add this mixture into a tub filled with one gallon of water.
- Spray it in and around the mole holes.
How it works: The combination works similar to a detergent functioning to remove dirt, thus removing the moles gradually.
Repetitions: Once a day.
Best time to apply: At any time of day.
Tips: If there are lot of moles, prepare a big batch and the try to use it daily.
3. Castor oil and Garlic for Moles
- 3 to 4 fresh garlic cloves
- 1 teaspoon of castor oil
- 1 cotton pad and 1 bandage
Preparation Time: 5-10 mins.
- Crush 3 to 4 fresh garlic cloves and then add a teaspoon of castor oil into it to prepare a paste.
- Carefully apply the ointment over the moles.
- Secure the area around moles using one cotton pad and bandage.
- Leave it on for 4 to 5 hours and don’t forget to remove this bandage before sleeping.
How it works:
- The enzymes contained inside garlic functions to break down the group of cells that are responsible to cause moles.
- After this group of cell gets collapsed, it is found that the skin cells outspread normally and also the dark pigmentation lightens with time.
Repetitions: Once daily for 4 to 5 days.
Best time to apply: Before going to bed.
Tips: Apply some drops of petroleum jelly around the mole to secure it from the severity of the garlic.
[ Read: How to Get Rid of Moles Naturally ]
4. Castor oil and Cayenne Pepper for Moles
- ¼ cup castor oil
- 1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper
- 2 tablespoons of liquid dish detergent
- 6 tablespoons of water
- A tub filled with1 gallon of water
- A sealed container
Preparation Time: 10 mins.
- Mix ¼ cup castor oil, 2 tablespoons liquid dish detergent and 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper together.
- You can make use of a blender to blend them properly.
- Into this mixture, add 6 tablespoons of water and again blend it.
- Put this prepared solution into a sealed container and then let it to be kept in storage till you observe the appearance of a fresh mound.
- Whenever you wish to apply the solution, take 2 tablespoons of this original solution and mix it with 1 gallon of water.
- Make use of spray bottle or apply this solution over the affected area.
How it works: The method works to decrease the effect of moles gradually by its healing properties.
Repetitions: Twice or thrice a week.
Best time to apply: In your free time.
Tips: Consult a doctor if you are allergic to cayenne pepper.
Gradually continuing any of the above method helps to effectively treat moles. Before using any of these methods, make sure you are not allergic to the ingredients involved.
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