Can I Dye My Eyebrows with Henna?

can i dye my eyebrows with henna

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If you are looking to dye your eyebrows with a henna hair dye to cover up the grey hairs and to give it more color and fuller look, then you are not the only one thinking of doing so. One of the best options that you can use to color the gray hairs of your eyebrow is the natural henna powder as it has a natural coloring pigment that is extracted from the henna plant that does not have any serious side effects.

How to Safely Tint Your Eyebrows with Henna

how to tint your eyebrows with henna

The eyebrow hairs will undergo a rapid shed and growth cycle and hence it becomes all the more important to use the regular henna powder or the henna dyeing kit on it to give it the natural black color and also to enhance the look of your face. To get the best results out of the henna dye and to keep your eyebrows looking fuller, it is a good idea to use the henna dye on the brows once in every 2 to 3 weeks.

Step by Step Procedure

Before you start the process, you will need to have certain items ready and they include Shea butter or Vaseline, henna of your choice (henna dye, henna powder, or henna extract), kitchen wrap, and the mascara brush.

Preparing the Natural Henna Paste

Preparing the Natural Henna Paste

As the henna is going to be applied on the eyebrows, a thick paste is made out of it to prevent any drips. Take the natural henna powder and add a little water to it to make it a thick paste. Mix it well so that no lumps are there. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to this thick paste.

Ready to Brows to Accommodate the Henna

Ready to Brows to Accommodate the Henna
  • Use a clear shampoo or clear face wash or baby shampoo to wash the eyebrows to remove the dirt and dust sticking on it.
  • You can also use alcohol wipes on the eyebrows and then allow it to dry of. Take Shea butter or Vaseline and apply it to the skin around the brows at least for half an inch strip area.
  • Make sure that it does not get to the brows as he henna will not stick on the hairs.

Apply the Henna Paste

applying henna on eyebrows
  • Look at the mirror and start to apply the henna paste using the liquid mascara brush.
  • Start with the q-tip and move it along the direction of the brow growth. The henna can be spread to the eyebrow base by moving it in a circular motion.
  • Repeat this process until you find a thick coat of henna all over the bows.

Cover Around the Brows and Wait

Cover Around the Brows and Wait
  • Take the kitchen wrap and place it gently over the brow. Make sure that it has adhered to the skin and then press it on the skin so that there are no air bubbles and it sticks well on the skin.
  • Now, it is time to wait and you need to give at least 2 hours for the henna to completely act on the brows.

Remove the Henna from the Brows

Remove the Henna from the Brows

Once the henna paste is completely dry, remove the kitchen wraps on both sides and then wash the brows with warm water. Pat it dry with a towel and make sure that it is completely dry.

Things to Consider Before Applying Henna

  • It is a very good idea to go for organic henna and not use any powder that has some toxic ingredients in it. This is a safe product and is an ideal option for all those who have some allergies with hydrogen peroxide.
  • It is also very important to apply Vaseline or Shea butter around the brow area before applying the henna paste to prevent skin staining.

How Long Does Henna Eyebrow Dye Last

  • The henna on the brows will last for about 2 to 4 weeks and its lasting effect will vary according to the skin type.
  • Women with a dry complexion will find the henna dye to last a bit longer on their brows than those that have an oily complexion.

Using henna natural powder or extract on your brows will easily help in giving the black color and fuller look to the brows. You need to take great precaution and care when dyeing the eyebrow hairs and make sure that you do not apply anything over the skin that is surrounding your brows as it might result in staining the skin.

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