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Dizziness is considered to be a mild condition but it can badly disrupt daily life. Sometimes, dizziness is so disruptive that it may lead you to sleep for hours and spend days on the bed.
Dizziness can be attributed to various reasons like dehydration, medications and a variety of other conditions. However, sometimes allergies can also cause dizziness.
Though dizziness induced due to allergies are usually mild, they are not uncommon. Common allergy symptoms like sneezing, coughing, and itchy throat may lead to temporary dizziness. The sinus pressure from allergies is a significant reason for allergies to cause the problem.
Sometimes, other conditions like heart disease, anemia, low blood pressure, anxiety, panic attacks, or disturbed mental health can also cause dizziness.
What is Allergy?
When a foreign substance like a particular food, pollen, or pet dander enters the human body, the immune system responds. This response that is not harmful is called an allergy. And such foreign substances are called allergens.
If the symptoms are mild, they can be easily managed, but if they are intense, immediate medical attention becomes necessary. Usually, people are aware of their typical allergen and hence they are careful during its season.
Taking basic precautions like wearing a mask and keeping windows closed helps significantly. Keeping the house and pets clean is also vital to avoid allergic symptoms.
Allergies are basically classified as spring allergy and fall allergy.
Spring Allergy
Spring allergies are relatively weakening. This is caused mainly due to pollens from blooming plants and trees. Grass pollen, weed pollen, and mold are present abundantly in the environment, and hence a lot of people suffer from allergies during the spring season. The wind at this time may carry and spread pollen all around.
The most common spring allergy symptoms are-
- head congestion
- sinus pain
- runny nose
- watery eyes
- headaches
Some people might also suffer from scratchy, dry throat and post-nasal drip. The skin might get rashes and blisters and the body may feel fatigued at all times.
Fall Allergy
Fall allergy is categorized under allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever. It happens when the body’s immune system responds to inhaled pollen or weed. Also, the temperature may not be consistent during this time. The weather may be dry or windy, which further contributes to allergen exposure.
The most common fall allergy symptoms are-
- itchy eyes
- congestion
- sneezing
- runny nose
- post-nasal drip
What Causes Allergy Induced Dizziness?
The primary reason for dizziness due to an allergy is allergens.
Once the body comes in contact with allergens like dust, pollen, and pet dander, it begins to release chemicals like histamine to fight off these allergens. This leads to allergy symptoms like sneezing, itchy throat, sinus congestion, coughing, post nasal drip etc.
Allergies affect the Eustachian tube. This tube connects the back of the throat to the middle ear. The primary function of the Eustachian tube is to regulate the balance of the body and equalize the pressure in the middle ear with necessary air pressure.
When this tube is blocked with mucus, you begin experiencing symptoms in the ears that include difficulty in hearing. Such inflammations in the nose and sinuses can cause these tubes to narrow down.
Fluid may then build up behind the ears to impact the vestibular system. A blocked Eustachian tube cannot equalize pressure in the middle ear, disrupting the body’s balance. Such middle ear disturbances can lead to dizziness.
What Is Allergy Induced Vertigo?
Vertigo is a severe form of dizziness that makes one see the room as though it is spinning. The person, while sitting or standing still, might feel as if they are swirling around.
In this case, the reason for such a feeling is the fluid that builds up in the middle ear. Though treatable, vertigo is unbearable and highly disturbing.
Once this symptom is experienced, it is advised to see the doctor right away. If the doctor finds the vertigo related to allergic rhinitis, he may provide you the treatment accordingly or refer you to an ENT specialist.
How To Treat Allergy Induced Dizziness?
To treat an allergy caused by dizziness, you need to treat the allergy. If you are aware of a substance causing allergy, then avoid it. This is the most effective way to prevent allergies.
However, it is not possible to altogether avoid the allergens all the time, mainly if they are found in the air. In such cases, over-the-counter medications and prescriptions are available to help one relieve dizziness. Also, finding the underlying cause as soon as possible and treating it effectively is essential.
The doctors usually run allergy tests with a detailed analysis of the allergen. After arriving at the conclusion, they then prescribe medications accordingly. The doctor may also prescribe nasal steroid sprays to ease the inflammation in the nose, sinuses, and Eustachian tubes.
Using Antihistamines To Treat Allergy Induced Dizziness
The allergies are usually treated with antihistamines. They are very effective in releasing the congestion that causes dizziness.
However, one need to take special measures while using antihistamines-
- Avoid driving: It is usually not advised to drive or operate a machine while taking antihistamines as they may cause drowsiness.
- Avoid taking it with certain medications: It is also advised not to take antihistamines along with antidepressants, anti-anxiety agents, muscle relaxants, alcohol or sleeping pills.
Besides antihistamines, the doctors may prescribe other medications depending on the condition.
Sometimes, small amounts of allergen, known as allergy shots, are injected by doctors to desensitize the body to the allergen over time. By gradually increasing the dose of the allergy shot, the allergy symptoms tend to decrease over time.
It is also of utmost importance to keep the windows closed during allergen season, bathe pets frequently and wash hands and clothes after you have spent time outdoors. It would be best to be extremely careful while doing activities like hiking, raking leaves, or mowing the lawn.
Allergies can cause dizziness, but a proper well-timed treatment can free you from allergy symptoms. The essential requirement is to identify the cause of the dizziness and treat it accordingly. If you are experiencing vertigo or frequent dizziness, you must take it seriously and get an appointment from the doctor.
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