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Baking Soda and Vinegar offers many advantages to human life if used in right proportion and in right manner.
Is it Safe to Mix Baking Soda and Vinegar?
Baking soda and vinegar together react chemically as one is base while other is acid. If mixed is measured proportion in small amount it is safe or else it may explode.(1)
Baking Soda and Vinegar Benefits
There are many benefits of baking soda and Vinegar for health and beauty. We are sharing few among them.
1. Baking Soda and Vinegar for Hair
Baking soda helps in breaking down of dirt and grease from hair while ACV balances the alkalizing effect of soda for restoring the natural pH levels of hair.
- Baking Soda
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Water
- 2 spray bottles
Preparation Time: 10 mins.
- Take 4-5 spoons of baking soda in spray bottle and now fill other half with luke warm water living a small gap at the top.
- Shake well to mix
- Take slower to wet your hair and then spray it well on your hair by partying sections to let it reach the scalp directly
- Massage it gently and leave for 4-5 mins
- Rinse well to squeeze water
- In other bottle mix ACV and Water into 1:4 ratio
- Now spray the mix right into the scalp and ensure it covers whole scalp and hair
- Massage gently and allow it to sit for few moments
- Now rinse well
How it work: It will make the hair softer and smoother and promote hair growth.
Repetitions: Once and twice a week.
Best time to Apply: Always at time of taking bath.
Tips: Oil your hair well to support hair growth.
[ Read: Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair ]
2. Baking Soda and Vinegar Bath
ACV helps in de-toxin the body and can do wonders for the body skin
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Baking Soda
- Warm Water
- Epsom salt and Sea salt
Preparation Time: 5 mins.
- Take luke warm water in your bath tub.
- Mix ¼ cup each of Epsom salt, sea salt and also baking soda.
- Take 2 cups of apple cider vinegar and pour in the water and mix well
- Now Relax your body for 10 to 15 minutes
How it works: It will regulate skin’s natural substances and clear body toxins. It also soothes any type of body pain and also exfoliates cells of dead skin.
Repetitions: Twice a week.
Best time to Apply: Always at time of bath.
Tips: Use a body lotion to make your skin feel hydrated.(2)
[ Read: Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar Bath ]
3. Soaking Feet in Baking Soda and Vinegar
It will remove feet odor and will remove fungus infection right from feet.
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Baking soda
- Salt
- Warm water
- Foot basin
Preparation Time: 10 mins.
- Take a foot basin and fill it with warm water
- Add 2 cups of ACV and 1 spoon of baking soda, 1/2 spoon salt and mix well
- Soak your feet for about 30 mins and keep rubbing the corners of the foot with fingers softly
- Take the foot out and pat it dry
How it work: It will make the feet skin clean, fresh and offer a relaxed feeling.
Repetitions: 2 or 3 times a week.
Best time to Apply: In your free time.
Tips: Apply hand and body lotion for moisturizing your feet.(3)
[ Read: Apple Cider Vinegar Foot Soak Benefits ]
4. Baking Soda and Vinegar for Teeth
ACV is having natural whitening properties and when used with baking soda it removes stains of teeth slowly and steadily.
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Baking Soda
Preparation Time: 5 mins.
- Take two parts of apple cider vinegar and mix it with one part baking soda
- Mix well to form a paste
- Now massage on your teeth with the paste in gentle manner for 2 to 3 minutes
- Rinse your teeth with normal water
How it works: The result will not be instant but with time you will find that your stains are removing and teeth are whitened.
Repetitions: 3 to 4 times a week.
Best time to Apply: Definitely just after brushing.
Tips: Rinsing mouth with the mix in liquid form can also support teeth whitening.(4)
5. Vinegar and Baking Soda for Acid Reflux
Digestion problems especially gas, abdominal cramps and headache due to stomach problems can be treated with vinegar and baking soda.
- Baking Soda
- Water
- Apple Cider Vinegar
Preparation Time: 5 mins.
- Take 2 spoons of raw apple cider vinegar
- Mix 1/4 spoon of baking soda along with 8 ounces of water.
- Now stir well and drink in empty stomach.
How it works: Will help in calming down irritated stomach and will also offer essential nutrients for easy digestion and good health of digestive system.
Repetitions: Repeat taking this mix as long as you get relief from the problem.
Best time to Apply: Always in empty stomach in morning.
Tips: You can add 1/2 spoon of lemon juice for fast relief.
Other Hacks: It is just not for health as there are many other hacks which are offered by baking soda and vinegar in our everyday life.(5)
6. Clean Drain with Baking Soda and Vinegar
The chemical reaction of baking soda and Vinegar will unclog the drain and remove bad odor.
- Baking Soda
- Apple Cider Vinegar
Preparation Time: 5 mins.
- Take bucket full of boiling hot water and pour down the drain.
- Put 1/2 cup of baking soda and allow it to sit for few minutes.
- Now make a mixture of 1 cup of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of very hot water and pour on the baking soda layer
- Use drain plug and allow it to sit for about 5 to10 minutes.
- Now flush the drain again with a bucket of hot boiling water
How it work: Baking soda with hot water will soften grimy sludge accumulated at bottom of drain, while explosive reaction of vinegar will lose it out.
Repetitions: Once every 15 days.
Best time to Apply: When you have less work and time to clean.
Tips: You can add some fresh lime soda for good smell.
7. Clean a Mattress with Baking Soda and Vinegar
Stains on the mattress can be removed well and will given a clean look when cleaned with baking soda and Vinegar
- A roll of paper towels
- Baking Soda
- Distilled White Vinegar
- Bottle with spray knob
Preparation Time: 20 mins.
- First pour the white Vinegar in the bottle with spray knob
- Saturate the Mattress by spraying it all over
- Keep the fan on allow vinegar to sit on mattress for about 10 to 15 minutes
- Now soak up the vinegar using enough paper towels spreading all over and press it hard
- It’s time to sprinkle good amount of baking soda on the mattress and leave it for 3 to 4 hours
- Now use vacuum cleaner to remove the baking soda
How it work: It will remove the stains of dirt, dust, baby urine, tea from the mattress to a great extent.
Repetitions: Once in 2 months.
Best time to Apply: Definitely on weekend when you have free time.
Tips: Keep your mattress under sun for 2 hrs minimum for proper soaking.(6)
8. Clean White Shoes with Baking Soda and Vinegar
Baking soda along with white Vinegar will remove the stain of dirt and dust and will give a shining look
- Baking soda
- White vinegar
- Toothbrush
- Lukewarm water
- Kitchen towel
Preparation Time: 10 mins.
- Take 1 spoon of water in a bowl and add 2 spoon each of vinegar and baking soda
- Mix well to form a smooth and thin paste
- Use toothbrush to spread evenly the mix on your canvas shoe
- Make movement in circular motion to remove the dirt, dust and stain
- The layer will dry fast and then you can clap the shoes together to let it fall
- If any small parts is left use a damp sponge to remove it
- Keep the shoes under sun to let it dry completely
How it work: Besides cleaning it will give a shinning new look to the shoes.
Repetitions: Once a week.
Best time to Apply: Preferably on weekend and on sunny days.
Tips: You can add few drops of lime juice for a better shine.
9. Baking Soda and Vinegar Car
The chemical reaction between the baking soda and vinegar proves to be perfect to remove the dust from each corner of the car glasses.
- Water inside spray bottle
- Vinegar
- Microfiber cloth
- Paper towel
- Baking soda
- Liquid glass cleaning soap
- Fresh cloth for dusting
Preparation Time: 15 mins.
- First clear the dust on your car body using a fresh cloth
- Mix liquid soap with water and clean your headlight with a microfiber cloth after spraying water
- Mix 2 spoon of baking soda with 2 spoon of vinegar to make a thick paste
- Take a clean cloth and dab the mix on your headlight
- Rub the glass gently and spray water to clean it. Repeat this process once more
- Now dry it with tissue paper roll
How it work: It cleans the accumulated dust and makes it shining.
Repetitions: Once in a week.
Best time to Apply: Good if its weekend.
Tips: You can use the process for cleaning rest glasses and side mirrors of the car.
10. Baking Soda and Vinegar Cleaning Oven
It will react on the dirt and its chemical combination will make the grease and soft for removal.
- Baking soda
- Water
- Gloves made of rubber
- Damp cloth
- Silicone spatula
- A Spray bottle
- White vinegar
Preparation Time: 15 mins.
- Remove everything from the oven
- Prepare a mix of 1/2 cup of baking soda with few drops of water
- Now use it to apply a smooth coat both interior and exterior of the oven, ensure you put gloves in hand
- Allow the paste to sit and leave it overnight
- Take a damp cloth and clear the oven all over. For reaching difficult areas take help of silicone spatula to remove the dry paste
- Take vinegar in a spray bottle and apply all over the oven and it will make a reaction on the baking soda and form foam
- Again wipe it with a clean cloth
How it work: It softens the hard greasy areas and makes it easy to clean.
Repetitions: Once a month.
Best time to Apply: Preferably in weekend as needs good amount of time.
Tips: You can add lime juice in the vinegar and water mix to give a shining look.
Side Effects of Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
- Too much Vinegar and baking soda mixing can create huge volume of foams which may cause serious pressure in stomach when taken for resolving digestion problem. You may vomit the whole mix out.(7)
- It can explode if the mixing proportion goes wrong at time of cleaning drain clog.
- Excessive use of Vinegar at time of cleaning campus shoes with soda may make the show cloth frizzy.
- Do not shake the mix of baking soda and Vinegar too much inside a bottle as it may burst out spreading the mix all around.
You are now sure as how effective is baking soda and vinegar in our everyday life. It not only helps in curing certain health and beauty needs but also in many other household activities too.
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