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Do you see excess fat around your arm whenever you wave at your friend?
Don’t you like wearing sleeveless tops. OR Don’t you want to accentuate your flexed bicep muscles. Well…fret not. Everybody love toned and perfectly shaped biceps and triceps. Strong arms not only look impressive but they also have their own benefits.
But you’d say…that I can’t find time to lift the weights at the gym! No Gym. No Weights. No Problem. Worry not! We have enlisted the 9 Arm workout exercises which will give you enough power and strength. No matter your fitness level, you could easily perform all these exercises and notice the impressive results.
All you need is a special tool which you already possess: your own body weight. Using body weight, not only you can put resistance on your core muscles but also improve your form as well. So…let’s dive in.
9 Simple Arm Workouts Without Weights
1. Arm Circles

This exercise can be included as a warm-up exercise or can be used as a de-stressing exercise after spending long hours on a computer. This exercise loosens your shoulder muscles increase blood circulation to that area.
This is How you Do It:
- Stand straight with your arms by your sides.
- Rest on the elbows.
- Lift your arms laterally to the shoulder level towards the opposite side, with the palms facing away.
- Start drawing imaginary circles with your arms in the forward direction without bending or flexing your elbows.
- Hold as long as you can
- Complete 10 reps in the front direction and then circle your arms in the backwards direction.
Recommended Reps: 10 more reps. (4 sets)
[ Read: Easy Arm Exercises For Women ]
2. Plank Jack
This exercise is the excellent arms blaster which also engages your core throughout.
This is How you Do It:
- Start in a high plank with hands below your shoulders and your feet together.
- Jump your feet out and then back in much like if you were doing a jumping jack.
Recommended Reps: 30 Reps in 3 sets.
[ Read: Best Exercises to Tone Your Arms ]
3. Inchworm
If you want to get rid of a bit of blubber around your waist and build up your arms including shoulders, then this exercise should be added into your workout regime. It will stretch your whole body.
This is how you do it:
- Hinge from your hips and you’re going to walk your hands out in front of you as far as you can.
- Stay here for a second and now walk your hands back. Don’t just stand up instead touch your toes and repeat the movement.
- This looks simple but after a few reps, your shoulders and core will cry for mercy.
Recommended Reps: 15 Reps in 3 sets.
[ Read: How to Lose Arm Fat ]
4. Lateral Plank Walk
The act of walking has never been this much tough and effective. Walking in a plank position work every part of your arm from wrist to shoulder and also gives you burn within a few seconds. FYI, it bumps your heart rate as you’ve just had a worst roller coaster ride of your life.
This is How you Do it:
- Start in a high plank with your palms flat, hands shoulder-width apart, shoulders straight above your wrists, legs extended behind you, and your core and glutes tightened.
- Step right, leading with your right hand and right foot. Keep maintaining a plank as you move. This counts as one rep.
- Do your reps in one direction, and then repeat in the opposite direction.
Recommended Reps: 10 Reps in each direction. (3 sets)
[ Read: Dumbbell Exercises For Toned Arms ]
5. Incline Push-up
Push-up is the compound exercise which activates the muscles from shoulders, chest, and arms. Incline Push-up is the variation which works your lower chest. Furthermore, this exercise can be used in upper body resistance training program and in circuit training as well.
This is How you Do It:
- Put your hands elevated on the surface (like a bench, sofa, or box), keeping abs tight and back flat.
- Go down in one second while breathing in and push up in one second while breathing out. This counts as one rep.
Recommended Reps: 15 Reps in 3 sets.
[ Read: Best Exercises to Reduce Armpit Fat ]
6. Triceps Dips
This is a great exercise for elbow flexion and can strengthen and tighten the triceps muscle group. It can be simply done at your home.
This is How you Do it:
- Get yourself in the position by sitting on the surface (like a box, chair, or sofa). Roll your shoulders back, opening up the chest. Take your legs out by keeping your knees slightly bent.
- Now, bend the elbows, lowering your hips down, and then exhale to extend the elbows and lift your body up. Remember not to sink in your shoulders throughout the process.
Recommended Reps: 15 Reps in 4 sets.
[ Read: Exercises to Tone Your Triceps ]
7. Floor Dips
This exercise is a perfect substitute for people who don’t have access to chairs, box, or actual dips bar. It’s similar to triceps dips, but you use the ground instead to lay your hands as support.
This is How you Do it:
- Sit down on the floor, keeping your feet about hip-width apart in front of you. Keep your hands just outside hip-width right behind you.
- Come up with your hips not all the way up but keep a little bend there. Elbows should not flare out. Now, dip down with your arms and lift up. This counts as one rep.
Recommended Reps: 15 Reps in 4 sets.
[ Read: Exercises to Get Rid of Flabby Arms ]
8. Wall push-ups
To strengthen and add definition to your chest, arms, and shoulders; you must certainly add Wall push-ups in your workout regime.
This is how you do it:
- Start facing the wall arm’s length away with feet slightly apart legs straight (but knees not bent).
- Keeping head in a neutral position, bend elbows to lower your head and chest toward wall coming as close as possible but don’t touch the wall.
- Now straighten arms and return to starting position. This counts as one rep.
Recommended Reps: 20 Reps in 3 sets.
[ Read: Exercise to Tone Arms without Weights ]
9. Push-ups
There are enormous benefits of this bodyweight exercise. From increasing functional strength via full body activation to muscle stretching for vitality and enhancing your cardiovascular system, Push-ups can transform your body completely.
This is How you Do It:
- Begin in an elbow plank position with abs engaged, keeping back flat, and arms directly below your shoulders.
- Lower down your arms until you are at a 90-degree angle. Push right back up again. Remember to keep your alignment intact. This counts as one rep.
Recommended Reps: 20 Reps in 3 sets.
To sum up, toned arms are necessary for both men and women to support daily activities and to build proper body structure. By doing these exercises consistently, you can strengthen the muscle groups in your arms (including shoulders and core).
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