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It’s an embarrassing and yet a common occurrence for people to have dark elbows. For most individuals, this is not a big deal since its one of the hidden parts of the body that many people cannot see and therefore requires no attention.
Apparently, many people take it as a common phenomenon that cannot be dealt with but in the real sense, it’s something that can easily be managed. Dark elbows always result in uneven outward skin colour that gives the general body a bad appearance. The majority of people have dark elbows due to various reasons. Some have it because it’s an area that contains more folded skin while others have it because of getting constant pressure on the elbows when carrying out physical activities or barely supporting the arms using the elbow.
Article Contains
How Can You Get Rid of Your Dark Elbows
[ Read: How to Use Aloe Vera for Dark Spots ]
Have You Ever Tried Aloe Vera
If not yet then it’s high time for you to get your skin back to its normal and uniform appearance using Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is naturally a dark spot remover that contains various skin care components that are useful for your skin. Discussed below are some of the ways that can help you get rid of dark elbows using Aloe Vera for those who haven’t tried it out or perhaps for those ones who have not yet gotten the best out of it.
Obtain a freshly cut piece of Aloe Vera and place it in a bowl. Add some water to the bowl until the aloe Vera gets submerged in the solution and heat it gently to make the leaf soft. Run some cold water over the leaf after becoming soft in order to cool it. You can, however, acquire a manufactured Aloe Vera gel for the purposes of saving time. It also contains some skin care components that are beneficial for your skin.
- Place the leaf in a bowl and begin crushing it. You can also use a pestle and mortar to do the grinding until a uniformly viscous fluid is formed.
- Add a considerable amount of honey in the crushed Aloe Vera and blend the mixture together.
- Although honey is commonly used in treating black spots that often come up as a result of acne or injuries, it also plays a major role in sealing the thin lines in between dark elbows and making them smooth.
- Thereafter, sprinkle some lemon juice on the mixture and stir. Lemon contains various anti aging substances which include citric acid that helps in fading the dark patches under around the elbows, therefore, removing dead cells and old skin.
How to Apply: Collect the paste using your fingertips and apply it gently all around the dark elbow in circular motions. You can neither leave it undisturbed for about 20 minutes or cover it with elbow mask for sometime before washing it up.
This is the simplest and most effective remedy for your dark elbows. Therefore give it a try give your elbows a new and admirable look.
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