Essential Oils For Frizzy Hair: How Do They Help?

essential oils for frizzy hair

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Curly and wavy hair looks unique and beautiful due to its stunning texture and appearance. However, when it comes to managing the curls, it gets infuriating. People with curly hair often experience frizzy and dry hair that gets unmanageable. Even though many products claim to maintain frizz, hardly any of them proves beneficial.

Fortunately, essential oils can save frizzy, dry, and hard-to-manage curly and wavy hair. Let’s find out how essential oils work and what oils are the best to maintain curls and waves perfectly.

How Does Essential Oil Help To Treat Frizzy Hair?

Essential oils are extracted from the different parts of plants. They are highly concentrated and loaded with nutrients that help the scalp and hair abundantly. Essential oils are helpful for curly hair as they lock the moisture in the strands, resulting in reduced frizz and dryness.

What Makes Curly And Wavy Hair Prone To Frizz And Dryness?

When the cuticle layer of hair is lifted, they become prone to frizz. Also, it makes the hair dry and dull. Frizzy hair looks bad, and they are difficult to style. Some common reasons for frizzy hair are-

  • Using harsh or drying hair products
  • Over-washing
  • Over styling
  • Living in humid places

The 7 Best Essential oils for Frizzy Hair

Essential oils work wonders in managing the frizz and preventing the hair from getting dry and brittle. The top seven essential oils to get rid of frizzy hair are-

1. Lavender Essential Oil

It provides deep nourishment to the hair strands and promotes hair follicle formation. You can use this oil as a leave-in conditioner as it locks the moisture and enhances the overall hair strength. Also, it prevents split-ends and dry-ends, giving a healthy and lustrous growth. Additionally, lavender’s fragrance helps calm the mind and improve sleep.

2. Argan Oil

A rich source of Vitamin E and fatty acids, argan oil is also called liquid gold. It is great for dry hair as regular use makes the hair soft and frizz-free. If you use pure argan oil, even the roughest and coarsest hair can be repaired. It traps the moisture in individual strands, giving hair a glossy and shining finish.

3. Virgin Coconut Oil

Coconut is enriched with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that hydrate the hair and protect them from daily wear and tear. Using coconut hair regularly combats issues like split ends and flyaways. The presence of Vitamin A, C, and E helps in cell reproduction, tissue repair, and hair development. It is also beneficial for scalp conditions.

4. Virgin Olive Oil

It is one of the finest remedies for dry and frizzy hair, providing luster, shine, and health to the hair strands. Being a good source of Vitamin A, it prevents hair from getting dull and dry. The emollient properties of olive oil prevent friction and deliver vitality to the hair, making them shiny and glossy.

5. Castor Oil

The best way to smoothen the hair cuticle is using castor oil, which is a rich source of fatty acids and ricinoleic acid. No matter how coarse and brittle the hair is, a regular application of castor oil will make them soft and reduce the frizz. At the same time, it will nourish and hydrate the hair naturally, leaving them silky soft. The hair feels replenished and deeply nourished.

6. Golden Jojoba Oil

Jojoba Oil is loaded with Vitamin C, B, and E, which are beneficial for hair and scalp. They are known to resolve hair loss issues by moisturizing them deeply and making them strong right from the roots. The application of jojoba oil also prevents hair breakage, which is a common problem among people with curly and wavy hair. The oil forms a protective layer over each strand, thus reducing moisture from evaporating.

7. Sweet Almond oil

If you are looking for a substitute for leave-in conditioners, sweet almond oil is your go-to. The bioactive compounds in this oil ensure great lubrication to the hair, making them glossy and frizz-free. The oil delivers hydration to the hair, adding shine and managing frizz and split-end. It helps to make the hair appear healthier. Additionally, it protects hair from heat styling and sun exposure.

Using any heat styling tools on hair makes them prone to damage. It extracts the natural oils and moisture present in the hair, making them dry and frizzy. However, using these essential oils or their blends ensures that hair stays deeply nourished and well-hydrated. Essential oils are moisture-rich alternatives to plenty of hair care products available on the market. So start using them and see the difference!

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