How to Remove Dandruff With Coconut oil?

coconut oil for dandruff

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Coconut oil’s reputation as a great moisturizer has made it a common ingredient in many of the shampoos we use. Although experts maintain that the super food’s propensity for moisturizing dry skin and scalp doesn’t qualify it as an all-out remedy for dandruff, its moisturizing properties help tackle the dryness associated with dandruff, making it considerably more manageable. Here are some best ways to use coconut oil for dandruff removal.

Does Coconut Oil Work For Dandruff?

  • Coconut oil is rich in healing agents such as antioxidants, minerals, and a number of useful acids (capric, caprylic, and lauric) that help keep the scalp moisturized and nourished. A healthy scalp is less prone to fungal infections such as dandruff.
  • In essence, coconut oil does not address the root cause of dandruff, which is caused by a microbe known as Malassezia globosa. However, it does neutralize the worst symptoms of dandruff—dryness of the scalp, irritation, and unsightly scars—making it easier to reign in and generally easier to live with.
  • In addition to combating dandruff, it improves overall hair health by strengthening it to prevent brittleness and breakage. It is also a highly regarded natural remedy for hair loss.

How to Use Coconut Oil for Dandruff?

Coconut oil for Dandruff


  • 2 tablespoons of virgin organic coconut oil,
  • warm water,
  • shower cap


  • First wash and dry your hair as you normally would.
  • Mix the coconut oil with a bit of warm water in a bowl (be careful not to make it overly dilute).
  • Using your fingers, apply the coconut oil and water mixture to your scalp and hair starting from the roots to the ends.
  • Once you’ve applied a fairly even coat of oil, use your fingers to gently massage your hair and scalp for at least five minutes.
  • Put on the shower cap once the coconut oil is thoroughly massaged into your hair and scalp. Leave it on for the night to allow the oil to soak into your scalp.
  • In the morning, rinse out your hair with warm water then wash and shampoo it as usual.
  • Repeat the process regularly until you’re satisfied with the results.

It is advisable to use pure organic coconut oil as it is better and has a higher concentration of nutrients. However, there are several highly effective coconut oil treatments that can be used to tackle dandruff. These remedies are wholly natural and very easy to make from home.

Lemon and Coconut Oil for Dandruff


  • 2 tablespoons of virgin organic coconut oil,
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.


  • Mix the coconut oil and lemon juice together in the saucepan and warm over low heat.
  • Use your fingers to gently massage the mixture into your scalp, making sure you rub it in for about 10 minutes.
  • Leave the mixture on your scalp for half an hour.
  • Wash your hair with the mild shampoo then rinse it off with warm water.
  • Repeat the process at least once a week until you get satisfactory results.

Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil for Dandruff



  • Mix about 2.5 ounces of coconut oil with 3 ounces of aloe vera gel
  • Wet your hair
  • Apply the mixture and massage it in with your fingers
  • Let it rest for five minutes then rinse it off with warm water

NOTE: This treatment is commonly used in conjunction with apple cider vinegar, which is diluted with water and used in the final rinse.

Camphor and Coconut Oil for Dandruff


  • 1 teaspoon of camphor,
  • half a cup of pure coconut oil.


  • Mix the coconut oil and the camphor in a bowl.
  • Massage the resulting mixture onto your scalp making sure you don’t miss any spots.
  • Leave it to soak for about half an hour.
  • Rinse your hair out with warm water.
  • Repeat the process daily until dandruff disappears.

NOTE: The mixture should be stored in an airtight container to keep the camphor from breaking down the coconut oil.

Tea Tree Oil and Coconut Oil for Dandruff

Tea tree oil contains powerful antibacterial and anti fungal properties. When combined with coconut oil, they form a very effective natural remedy for dandruff and other fungal infections that affect the scalp.


  • Pure coconut oil,
  • tea tree oil.


  • Mix a few drops of tea tree oil (3 to 5 drops) with pure coconut oil and warm gently over low heat.
  • Apply the mixture to your scalp and massage thoroughly for about 10 minutes.
  • Rinse out your hair with warm water.

NOTE: You need to use the treatment for at least three weeks to see significant results.

Coconut Oil and Curry Leaves for Dandruff

Curry leaves are, in many ways, the unsung heroes of hair maintenance. Not only are they associated with long, healthy hair, they are also a powerful treatment for dandruff. Using them in conjunction with coconut oil considerably increases their efficiency.


  • 1 cup of pure coconut oil,
  • a handful of dried curry leaves.


  • Grind the curry leaves into fine powder.
  • Blend the resulting powder with about 150 ml of coconut oil until finely mixed.
  • Heat the resulting mixture over low heat to allow fusion.
  • Allow cooling if necessary then filter into an airtight container.
  • Apply the mixture onto your scalp and massage deeply for about five minutes.
  • Leave it on for about 45 minutes then rinse off with warm water.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Coconut Oil for Dandruff

When used in conjunction with coconut oil, apple cider vinegar can be a very effective natural remedy for dandruff. This is because it restores balance to the scalp’s pH level, thereby preventing any further growth of fungus.


  • Apple cider vinegar,
  • pure coconut oil,
  • 1 cup of water.


  • Dilute the apple cider vinegar in the water. Use only as much as you need.
  • Apply coconut oil to your scalp and massage it deeply using your fingertips.
  • Put the shower cap on and let the treatment soak in for about half an hour.
  • Rinse your hair using warm water only.
  • Use the dilute apple cider solution in the final rinse.

Neem and Coconut Oil for Dandruff


  • 1 capful of neem oil,
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil


  • Mix one capful of neem oil with one tablespoon of coconut oil.
  • Apply the mixture onto your scalp and gently massage for five minutes or so.
  • Let it rest for 20 minutes.
  • Wash your hair using a mild shampoo.
  • Rinse with warm water.

Turmeric and Coconut Oil for Dandruff


  • 1 teaspoon of organic turmeric powder,
  • 2 tablespoons of pure cold pressed coconut oil.


  • Mix the ingredients together in a bowl.
  • Apply the mixture onto your scalp, making sure you massage it in thoroughly with your fingers.
  • Let it rest for about 2 hours.
  • Wash off with your normal shampoo then rinse with warm water.

Whether used individually or in conjunction with any of the remedies mentioned above, coconut oil is a highly effective treatment for dandruff. Keep in mind that the best results can only be obtained if pure (cold pressed) coconut oil is used.

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