Best Shoulder Exercises Without Equipment You Can Do Anywhere


Incline Push Ups

It helps to activate the anterior and posterior deltoid muscles. It also helps to take some of the weight off the hands.

Decline Push Ups

Decline push up is a variant of the traditional exercise and helps in working the leg muscles, the core as well as strengthening the shoulder muscles.


Dips are a great way to engage the deltoid muscles without using weights but by using body weight. They also help to strengthen the shoulders and are a great exercise to do even without equipment.

Handstand Push Ups

The exercise can help to strengthen shoulder muscles, tighten the core as well as strengthen the upper body muscles.

Bear Crawl Exercise

The movement is a compound movement. It helps to activate and stabilize shoulder muscles but also works the entire body, especially the core region and the leg muscles.

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7 Best Shoulder Exercises Without Equipment You Can Do Anywhere