The Birthday Countdown: 10 Things Every Girl Says Before Her Big Day!


Video: Canva

I can't believe my birthday is almost here! 

Photo: Canva


I wonder what surprises are in store for me this year. 

Photo: Canva


I'm so excited to celebrate with my friends and family! 

Photo: Canva


I hope I get the gifts I've been hinting at! 

Photo: Canva


Do you think anyone remembered my birthday this year? 

Photo: Canva


I'm going to treat myself to something special on my big day. 


Another year older, but definitely not feeling wiser! 

Photo: Canva


I can't wait to see all the birthday wishes flooding in on social media. 

Photo: Canva


I'm already planning my birthday outfit and makeup look. 

Photo: Canva


Birthdays are the best excuse to indulge in cake and desserts!" 

Photo: Canva
